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Poor handwriting- any cures?

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Biro's only came into being when I was at school but we weren't allowed to use them. Only pen and ink or a fountain pen.(mine was a Conway Stewart :D) Biros are ok for quick stuff but I still have a fountain pen for if I want to do something in my "best writing".

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Biro's only came into being when I was at school but we weren't allowed to use them. Only pen and ink or a fountain pen.(mine was a Conway Stewart :D) Biros are ok for quick stuff but I still have a fountain pen for if I want to do something in my "best writing".


I used to go to Morley Street where we all had fountain pens and had hand writing lessons, but at the age of ten I went to Roscoe Bank for the last year before Myers and on the first day was given the biggest fattest pencil to write with :(, no handwriting lessons :(


It all went downnhill from there really :D Now my handwriting looks far worse than when I was ten

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We were just having a conversation about this the other day, teens don't seem to bother much about good penmanship, it's all texting and typing now, you don't see nice script writing any more do you ?

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I must admit i'm ashamed of my handwriting. I fear when people ask me to fill out forms because i feel i'm judged on how bad it is.


I spend all day in my job writing and it still doesn't improve.

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My handwriting was terrible. It's still not fantastic, if I'm honest.


My mother used to say:-


"It looks like a drunken spider has fallen into't ink-pot and crawled al over't paper!


Tha ought ter be a doctor with handwriting like that!"


So, there you have it. Courtesy of the wisdom of my late mother. Bad Handwriting? Become a doctor! :D

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