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Do you use baby talk?

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Im really sorry if i offend but i find this the most annoying thing ever! Speak to my child like a human!!! Theye not dickie birds, woo woos or pap paps and he doesnt want cuchi cooing. why do people feel the need to use such a silly voice?

I have to admit the only thing i do is say pass it to mommy, or look at mommy otherwise hed never learn my name!

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i mostly talk to babybaby as i would to an adult, but slightly higher pitched so that she knows i'm talking to her. i have to confess to a certain amount of baby noises, though - she has certain sounds that she likes to hear ('pop', 'poof', 'dadadada' etc), so i make those noises for her quite a lot. she likes having noises repeated back to her, too, so i frequently mimic her for her benefit. when she says 'dada' i obviously reply with 'mama' though.

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i mostly talk to babybaby as i would to an adult, but slightly higher pitched so that she knows i'm talking to her. i have to confess to a certain amount of baby noises, though - she has certain sounds that she likes to hear ('pop', 'poof', 'dadadada' etc), so i make those noises for her quite a lot. she likes having noises repeated back to her, too, so i frequently mimic her for her benefit. when she says 'dada' i obviously reply with 'mama' though.

oh yes repeating sounds back is supposed to help develop speech-so thats good.

I also hate my baby being called blue eyes and people saying "so big" to him arghh use his name! and think of something diff to say!!

my hub thinks it because people struggle to know what to say to a baby/child-this is prob true but isnt that why nursery rhymes were invented?:D

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u cant help but say "hello sweetheart arnet u a pretty little thing,,, OH WASNT THAT A BIG YAWN? must be tiring being a baby??" even when tHey are days old and still look like E.T.!!!


but what i do hate is poppo's, piggies jacks (me mom says that) that kind of baby words but what relly grinds on me is when people say oh dont touch tht its "burny"!!!!


BURNY??? my kids just look at my mom gone out if she says it,, its not burny its hot,, or dont touch that it will burn u,,, wat if they ever meet anyone called bernie??


they will b scared to go near him!!

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u cant help but say "hello sweetheart arnet u a pretty little thing,,, OH WASNT THAT A BIG YAWN? must be tiring being a baby??" even when tHey are days old and still look like E.T.!!!


but what i do hate is poppo's, piggies jacks (me mom says that) that kind of baby words but what relly grinds on me is when people say oh dont touch tht its "burny"!!!!


BURNY??? my kids just look at my mom gone out if she says it,, its not burny its hot,, or dont touch that it will burn u,,, wat if they ever meet anyone called bernie??


they will b scared to go near him!!


I say "Dont touch the oven because its Hot hot hot!" like big cook. Then big brother says "you have to ask your grown up helper".


Ive never done baby talk though, but I must confess if my children come out with a new unique word when theyre learning to talk, I adopt it too!

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but what i do hate is poppo's, piggies jacks (me mom says that) that kind of baby words but what relly grinds on me is when people say oh dont touch tht its "burny"!!!!


BURNY??? my kids just look at my mom gone out if she says it,, its not burny its hot,, or dont touch that it will burn u,,, wat if they ever meet anyone called bernie??


they will b scared to go near him!!


my mum in law insists on this language too, i tell her they wont understand as we dont do baby talk either. she conatantly says dannys(hands) and tootsies(toes) aaarrrhhh

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we don't have baby talk but we don't just talk to her as we would an adult either. only sillyish words she says are doggies or horsies. think some things make it easier for them to say but i don't like words that are nothing like the actual word, eg. dannies - hands! how does that make sense to a baby!!

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