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Do you use baby talk?

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I'm not into baby talk, but I would guess most of us had it spoken to us and most of us are pretty articulate. We soon learn to weed out the rubbish.


yeah i agree but if u think about it u have to learn it twice over,,, first linking dannies = hands them learning that u dont really call them dannies they are in fact hands! kids do it fine! i dont see anything wrong in baby talk we all had it!


i can remember being about 8 or 9 and my friend saying she had some "spice" and did i want one i thought wat the hell do i want somke spices for i dont cook me mom does it, i then realised when she offered my friend one she mean sweets ;)

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You will appreciate baby words like 'froggy' in particular when they get old enough to want to say 'frog' but aren't so good at pronunciation. I don't think I can cope with explaining one more time that the word he is saying is honestlyt, truly, I swear, 'frog'. Just because he pronounces the 'o' as 'uh', keeps dropping the 'r' and insists on pronouncing the 'g' as 'ck'...think about it a minute, lol...

Teaching him to say 'froggy' instead may not make those issues go away, but one more syllable makes the word less intelligible, and at the moment (while he yells favourite words at great volume) that can only be a good thing, lol.


PS sorry to anyone in the fish section at Pets at Home today - he saw the albino frogs...he honestly was saying frog!!!

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I have to admit that I do it all the time. Honestly, I TRY to stop myself, I really do, I even talk to my ten year old like it sometimes.


I do it with the cat too, and there arent many things in this world thats more disturbing than an eighteen stone man holding a protesting cat like a baby and saying things like : "Oos a wuvverwy widdle puddy tat den? I said OOS a woverwy widdle puddy tat den?"


I disgust myself sometimes, but its a habit I cant seem to break.

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  • 3 years later...

I have spoken to my daughter like I would an adult. Obviously not full on adult words but you get my drift. Her vocabulary is amazing for a 20 month old. Even if I do say so myself :D. We were in the shop today and I told her to ''come on then'' so we could leave. The reply from little madam ''no I'm not'' :o even the woman behind us in the queue repeated what she had said :hihi:. I was amazed. She is so good at talking and my nan says it's because I didn't use baby speech to her. I love the way she chatters and the way people can understand her, and when she speaks when we are out and people say ''ooh isn't she good at talking''. It makes me feel so proud. :).

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