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Gatecrasher - who used to go?


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Sheffield was one of the first places to play House at places like Jive Turkey and the Leadmill midweek (the steamer?) in the mid/late 80s when everyone in London was still into their rare groove!


WARP were of course from Sheffield (whats now FOPP used to be the WARP shop) - dont think Nightmares on Wax were though.


& did anyone used to buy vinyl from FON, a precursor of WARP (over the road from where WARP was)?

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Wow what a lot of old heads there are on here. As someone else said, Occasions was where it all started for me too, TechnoCity on a Friday night. Also used to go to some big raves at the Nelson Mandela centre around the same time - 89 to 90. The Jam Factory was another big night at the Palais and Rise at the Leadmill was the best ever, in my opinion - a classic mix of locals and students havin it so large I'm surprised the roof stayed on. I bet I know some of you guys - I've got loads of photos but no way of puttin them on the net to link to. Ah well, happy days!!!

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i'm an old riser! went to crasher a few times when it was house at the adelphi but got out of it when it went hard and trancy.


in my opinion love to be was the best night in sheffield. tony walker is one of the greatest house djs to ever take to the decks.


lets not forget about the sheffield resident djs we've had some very talented dudes behind the decks.


from the mighty luvdup to the revered matt hardwick, from the groovy, funky buckley to the mighty corey, from the ever talented dan metcalfe to the technical genius of winston hazel, from scott bonds crowd reading to the understated ricky chopra they've been and some still are the backbone of sheffield clubbing and all the ones i've forgotten are as important.


never forget a club is only ever as good as its residents

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i'm an old riser! went to crasher a few times when it was house at the adelphi but got out of it when it went hard and trancy.


in my opinion love to be was the best night in sheffield. tony walker is one of the greatest house djs to ever take to the decks.


lets not forget about the sheffield resident djs we've had some very talented dudes behind the decks.


from the mighty luvdup to the revered matt hardwick, from the groovy, funky buckley to the mighty corey, from the ever talented dan metcalfe to the technical genius of winston hazel, from scott bonds crowd reading to the understated ricky chopra they've been and some still are the backbone of sheffield clubbing and all the ones i've forgotten are as important.


never forget a club is only ever as good as its residents


Winston was a good friend of my ex boyfriend and I remember him being a top guy!! Corey and I have spent many a wicked night talking rubbish :D

I totally agree that a club is only ever as good as it's residents :thumbsup:

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Winston was a good friend of my ex boyfriend and I remember him being a top guy!! Corey and I have spent many a wicked night talking rubbish :D

I totally agree that a club is only ever as good as it's residents :thumbsup:

i love the monkey boy! sadly i don't get to see anywhere near as much of him as i'd like
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