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Gatecrasher - who used to go?


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sooo many promoters in sheffield, surely if you guys all put your heads together for 1 mad night, get he best DJ's around, find the venue, advertise in MIXMAG Hay presto!!


i no if i won the lottery that would be the 1st thing i did, bring back to good old days!!

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sooo many promoters in sheffield, surely if you guys all put your heads together for 1 mad night, get he best DJ's around, find the venue, advertise in MIXMAG Hay presto!!


i no if i won the lottery that would be the 1st thing i did, bring back to good old days!!



So you would have thought - but its not quite that easy - otherwise everyone would be doing it - the whole clubbing scene has changed from the days when you could book a couple of big names and watch the queues roll round the block. The events that tend to do good numbers these days are the nights that have built reputations - whether this be in the more mainstream franchise market or more underground nights. The days of any half well known DJ charging silly fees and clubs still making their money back are long gone.

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i disagree


i was part of the night scot bond did at the Adelphi before it moved to birmingham (sorry i really cant remember its name, was a few years ago) he teamed together with a bloke who promoted fantasia. they build a massive forum for selected people and there friends, what they did was ask what people wanted and ideas, from DJ's to decor.. it was prity amazin what they did. after 2 months in sheffield it was to big to carry on and moved to a massive venue in birmingham


boy do them 2 know how to put a night on!


after seeing that in action it leaves sheffield current promoters to shame in my honest opinion

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i disagree


Actually your post agreed with mine!


Was it "Ahead"?


Anyway.. Scott Bond had been a well known part of an established night (GC) and had a great reputation with his target audience (people who'd got disillusioned with the changes to GC). If someone with his reputation hadnt been involved - I'm not so sure it would have worked so well - even with the same DJ line ups.


What happened to it once it moved to Brum? I've got afeeling it didnt last too long - but coud be wrong?

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So you would have thought - but its not quite that easy - otherwise everyone would be doing it - the whole clubbing scene has changed from the days when you could book a couple of big names and watch the queues roll round the block. The events that tend to do good numbers these days are the nights that have built reputations - whether this be in the more mainstream franchise market or more underground nights. The days of any half well known DJ charging silly fees and clubs still making their money back are long gone.
agreed. superstar djs charging silly money just doesn't work any more
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its not so much that its more a case of a decade ago there were maybe 20 djs doing their thing.


now the music and technology is so available and theres so many djs and kids spinning in their bedroom that clubbers know they don't have to risk paying £25 to see dj fatcat when you could pay a fiver and be entertained by dj unknown who really wants to be there and won't sod off after 2 hours

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sheffield used to have it all, gatecrasher, rise, bed and most recently - 3/4yrs ago funky fridays, what on earth ahs happened to all the good funky nights ? where everyon used to be up for the music, now loads of 'clubs' i go to that are nothing more than bars with DJs have so much attitude ! maybe it is no coincidence that most places play more RnB rubbish and house music is dying off....................


so come on lets re-live house music !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I personnally in my time have traveled up and down the UK and in fact around Europe clubbing and loved every mnute of it, maybe im getting old(er) but it really does seem bobins at the moment and we have rubbish pushed down our throughts all the time and £10 to get in ! get real !

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