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Gatecrasher - who used to go?


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  • 1 year later...

You didn't nick it from a ford fiesta did you? (just a joke) Bit of a long time to reply i know. I can now get the tape onto the computer and convert it to MP3 (i think) need somewhere to post it on the net if you wanna hear it though. not sure where to do that? any ideas?

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Never got around to going to crasher in the years gone by apart from the event at millennium eve but i did used to go to the arches (Headcharge etc) and personally still think it was the best nightclub in Sheffield for atmosphere and crowd.

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clubbing in sheffield eh? first time was a DIY do at the arches (called SADMAC back then), the best venue by far in the city for house, techno D&B etc, remember seeing Sasha, Aphex Twin (I played upstairs that night) Platipus records night, No Logic nights, Headcharge nights, early Zogg nights. before 'crasher took over republic rem,ember seeing Jeff Mills at republic. another great night to be had was Bed/ Music Factory, which had alternate techno/Deep house nights (Underworld Laurent Garnier etc etc).:cool::D


then of course Nimmos later Niche, if you really wanted to carry on, early days people who just smiled no hassle at all, remember leaving one november morning in driving snow, great!!:D


I used to do stuff with SMFP, we had a night at the Fruit Bar (Kiki's) Euro 96, and the Spanish football team came to the club, not sure what they made of it tho....


other places? sheff uni, the foundry, outdoor parties,


I'm 40 now not been out clubbing (more live stuff now) for a while, but those days i'll never forget, but you had to be careful in forever chasing that elusive great night, otherwise you can get bored in paradise....

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i used to go to both crashers,as i got older i used to go to BED, the adelph was up at auction not that long ago, it never sold it never reached its reserve........soon to be more flats, i dont think they get called that anymore:loopy:

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I remember going to the palais for my 21st birthday and top buzz was playing, can anyone remember the names of the pirate radio stations that were on at the time?


Thanks to you I have just found a tune I have been searching for for ages, had it in my head but couldn't for the life of me remember what it was and who mixed it but here it is on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPpQ-dX6Vus&feature=related :thumbsup: don't make em like this any more :( Happy days :)

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