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Car stickers on cars

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has any one seen the red fiat bravo.its got a sheffield united badge on the bonnett.has any body else seen this car.if so where did they get it from:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


my uncle always used to say try and avoid badges in cars bedroom windows etc, as u never know a disgruntled fan might not like it one day and smash the window lol.

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I used to have a United badge (me and my middle son), a Wednesday badge (my eldest son and my wife), and a Rotherham United badge (my youngest son- just to be awkward and not being the slightest bit interested in football) stuck in the back window of my car.


Considered it to be a 'belt and braces' situation til I realised I was pushing my luck when United went into the Prem and I saw some Owls eyeing the car up in Wednesday's Superstore car park.


They are now no more.

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