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Blind Mole Rat (Lincoln Posse)


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trevor thomas (cant remember him from bmr tbh) seems to be in a folky nad called roger the badger (seems rude)





2 members WERE in a later incarnation of spithead (anarcho punk/ska band) but they split up in about 96


cant seem to find anything on google relating to kiri, dan and jelly tho

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I have been in touch with chris, apparently Kiri hung up the fiddle and is raising their child and Dan is doing some reggae dj stuff in london under the name Johnny Clash as part of a duo called Bam Bam, other members are still in Sheff area amking noises of one kind or another apparently.

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I have been in touch with chris, apparently Kiri hung up the fiddle and is raising their child and Dan is doing some reggae dj stuff in london under the name Johnny Clash as part of a duo called Bam Bam, other members are still in Sheff area amking noises of one kind or another apparently.


cool dude :)

if your in touch with him again, can you give him this addy http://sheffieldmusic.multiply.com/ and ask if itd be ok to stick some old blind mole rat demos on it?

say its sean (him kiri and dan came to my leaving party in pitsmoor back in the early 90s :P) he might remmeber me, its my site



edit - just found this for dan then :P


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