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How do you handle criticism?

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I dont take criticism, I CANT take criticism, You can say 100 good things about me and one bad thing and Ill fixate on the bad thing until it drives me mental.


I find it more convenient to just kill anyone who criticises me these days.

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I dont take criticism, I CANT take criticism, You can say 100 good things about me and one bad thing and Ill fixate on the bad thing until it drives me mental.


I find it more convenient to just kill anyone who criticises me these days.



that reminds me of Alfred Lunt the actor, when he came off stage his wife applauded and gave him huge compliments, just mentioning 'you were a little tired but' (hardly noticeable amongst the plaudits) and he replied 'I was a little tired was I?'

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Where I work they see the word 'criticism' as negative so prefer to use 'constructive feedback' ahem.

I try to respond well... I say 'yes I can see where you are coming from' ....but no matter how hard I try I can't stop my face portraying my true feelings, I know this is a fact due to the person in question saying everytime without fail 'is that ok?, are you sure?.....are you ok' with a very concerned look and I say 'yes, fine absolutely dandy, all taken on board'

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I'm mixed in accepting criticism. I find it takes many forms, When it's a thinly veiled personal dig which if I react to invariably solicits the reply of "I'm only trying to help you grow" or some such trite arse - This usually gets met with the gnashing of teeth and profanity.

The proper constructive criticism where someone will say you did this really well but to bring your game to A grade you should look at altering this .... I can readily accept this and will try and take it on board.


Then you get the criticism which is done solely out of the person trying to big themselves up. They'll try and pull you up and sit there glorifying themselves and even identifying with your perceived failings but telling you how they managed to pull through it with their magnificent personal resolve. These are the dodgiest of the lot, I sit and smile and play nice and then write them off as useless bellends who are not worthy of the steam off my wee.

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