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Date rape drugs & spiked drinks in Sheffield


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:!::!: Warning.... :!::!:


A young female collapsed during at a well known nightclub, Sheffield, on Wednesday night after it was found that her drink was spiked with a known date rape drug.


The disgraceful reaction of the "security" staff was to eject the unconscious woman onto the pavement.


The young woman is recovering but there are apparently some serious issues here, which must be addressed.


In the mean time, if you are a young woman stay vigilant, mind your drinks and don't accept a drink you haven’t seen poured for yourself at the bar.


Please add a comment to keep this thread current for a while, thank you.


:!::!: Warning.... :!::!:

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Just because something is in the papers every few weeks and is nothing new does not make it negatable. Not everyone reads papers - thanks for the warning - the more people read about things like this happening, the more vigilant they are likely to be.

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Well, it wouldn't be slander it would be libel.


and anyone can be sued for libel, whether justifiably or not.


and if you are sued for libel, when the name of a venue obviously did crop up on your forum, you would want the best counsel you could afford to defend yourself.


which costs money. a lot of money.


being innocent of libel is not enough to prevent your lawyers taking you to the cleaners, even if the plaintiffs fail in their suit.


So the reason we are keeping the name of the venue out is because we do not want the forum, and Geoff in particular, to even run the remotest risk of being sued, or otherwise involved.


Once the information is put into the public domain by someone else with more expensive lawyers, then I think we can talk about the venue with impunity.


That, at least, is my understanding of it.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

Well, it wouldn't be slander it would be libel.


and anyone can be sued for libel, whether justifiably or not.


and if you are sued for libel, when the name of a venue obviously did crop up on your forum, you would want the best counsel you could afford to defend yourself.


The main issue is if the fact is TRUE. If a girl left X nightclub after being spiked and that is a fact. No one can be sued for slander/libel.


Only if the fact is FALSE can they sue, they have to prove that no girl was spiked at x nightclub or else they can't even serve a paper on you.


That said I understand the worry of this 'sue happy' world these days and that SheffieldForum/Geoff should not be placed in a risky situation.


Cyclone, Your link doesn't work for me ?

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