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Date rape drugs & spiked drinks in Sheffield


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It appears to work.

So there's (allegedly) bouncers just dumping people outside all the main clubs I've been to when they've (allegedly) been drugged and need help. Does anyone have an account of a bouncer at a club treating people nicely after they've been drugged?

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If the user has such sure-fire evidence, then he should go to the police. Posting the details on the forum isn't going to achieve much and if you are really trying to raise awareness of this club's attitude then go to the Star, or another organisation that has the time and money to both investigate and possibly defend itself from your claims.


As for the law on libel, ISPs and forum owners in the past have been sued for the actions of their users. There is not a consistent policy and for a hobby site such as this I've not got the time (or indeed money!) to deal with threatening letters or legal proceedings.


No-one really knows the motives of each other here. It could be the case that Mr_E or other forum users work for rival clubs.


Like I said, if you have sure-fire evidence then go to the police. If you want to name and shame them then to to the Star. Having said that, do feel free to discuss the dangers in general, and tips on how to avoid your drink being spiked, but don't use names.

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ok heres my post but edited. if you want to know what the name of the club is just pm me and ask me ok.


my sister was spiked at the *********** . the same club that MR E mentioned when he first posted, and collapsed and was throwing up all night and was hallucinating. along with 15 other people, on other nights (but at the same place) in the past 2 months.




My mother went to the club where this has been happening to talk to the person there, not sure who it was, and also to get my sisters coat which she left, they said they always check people before they enter and i for one know, as I had been going for a long long time that not once have i seen a member of the security there check one single person before they enter, they never ever ID people either, that i have seen. its absolutely disgraceful. they didnt care atall. Im not going to risk getting sued or whatever, just pm me if you want to know which club it is.


MR E please will you pm me, need to talk to you...

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Originally posted by PIF_Tails

The main issue is if the fact is TRUE.

Please e-mail me with independent evidence of this...


Originally posted by PIF_Tails

they have to prove that no girl was spiked at x nightclub or else they can't even serve a paper on you.

Could you link me to some references of this? Guilty until proven innocent - seems odd to me.

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Originally posted by mimicraze


As I said, you will achieve far more by going to the police. If you want to name and shame them then take your evidence to the Star - they have far greater experience at knowing what you can or can not claim.


Re-read that ^ ;)

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As I said, you will achieve far more by going to the police. If you want to name and shame them then take your evidence to the Star - they have far greater experience at knowing what you can or can not claim.


Right....well as i have had advice from a police officer....they have told me to get all these people to call CRIMESTOPPERS actually, so they can do an investigation on it. Id rather do that right now then see what happens.

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Great. Also, I was thinking another idea (apart from contacting the Star) is that you could all sign some form of letter and send it to the club in question, stating the times and places etc. If the problem is being caused by the doormen then the club should look be able to take action relatively easily and a formal letter with mulitple signatures might do the trick.


Good luck.


Originally posted by Cyclone

The forum is doing the people of Sheffield a disservice...

It occured to me that the people in question should take their claims to the BBC in Sheffield... after all, we each pay them around £10 a month to provide us with a service and how often do they take any risks in the name of Sheffield residents ;)

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Let me know if anything comes of this. If someone like the Star is happy enough to run the story (*and name the club - that's the key remember*) then I will be happy to follow suit. Unfortunately due to differences in size, money and legal resources I have to follow their lead on such things like this...

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I am simply concerned that this is happening in places that should be offering a safe environment for people to enjoy socialising.

I don't have children yet... but this kind of thing would be my worse nightmare if it happened to a child of mine. If people are talking about it then that is positive. At least people can be on their guard if they know what to look for. The people involved are already talking with appropriate and trained people since the victim ended up in hospital.

As for me, I have only heard about this kind of thing before. But when it happens to some one in my home town, in a club I've been to often, to people I know... then it becomes more real and shocking.

I can't imagine how it must feel to be a victim of it ... but I worry about it and worry that there are nasty ******* who stoop so low. What's even more frightening is that they are amongst good people who do not deserve to have this worry. It’s horrid to think that trust between people is being eaten away by, probably, just a few evil and vindictive people who are missing something in the head... But this is unfortunately happening everywhere, it seems, not just Sheffield.


I was just shocked and concerned that this happened. Sometimes you (I mean you in the broad sense) want to do anything you can to make people aware of something. And for me, in this instance, it included writing something to that effect on a local forum. I make no apologies for this.


I am sorry that I may have mentioned something that caused the operators of this forum to worry.

The issues are nothing to do with the specific club involved… this could happen anywhere. I certainly don’t have any vested interests, as suggested by Geoff, though I accept the validity of his comments. If I did work for a rival club, this would be a pretty low/sick way of running a business. I assure you I would never do that, something you’re just going to have to take my word for. And as for the security staff acting badly, lets face it, security staff are similar everywhere, there are some good ones and bad ones at most venues. It's still disgraceful when they act inappropriately. This is actually the fault of the agencies' training and the poor regulation of door staff generally.

I have no specific axe to grind, I simply wanted to make people aware that there are dangers out there. What happened is fact and I became concerned.


The following, however, is my opinion and, as far as I am concerned, it’s true –

People who have to drug people to gratify their needs can’t be right in the head. Anyone who feels that they have to do something like that must be dull, boring, thick and worse still, cowardly. If they were bright, amusing, fun loving, bold and attractive then they could woe people in the same way the rest of society does. They’re also into bestiality and necrophilia… because animals and carcasses can’t object, fight back or tell anyone afterwards. If any sad **** is reading this who uses these drugs on people and they feel this is libellous and does not accurately reflect them, they’re welcome to sue me.

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