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Date rape drugs & spiked drinks in Sheffield


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Had a PM from Rich who has explained the policies to me about the leadmill. All I can say is they're very welcomed and as one of the bigger and more popular clubs in Sheffield to take the searching seriously I think it will benefit Sheffield in the long run.


I look forward to the day the rest of the clubs and bars in sheffield follow suit.

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How long would it take door staff to search people to the extent that would be needed to verify they have no drugs on them, and how far are they legally allowed to go?


I'm not suggesting clubs shouldn't do this, but it is surely unrealistic to think that clubs are actually going to take this seriously.


I'm not commenting at all as to the rights and wrongs of the situation, because obviously drugs are a big problem.

(not as big a problem as alcohol obviously, but thats a different story)

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I remember when 'the Drop' was at City Hall (many moons ago). There was male and female door staff, women used to get bags, purses and pockets checked over and men used to have pockets, wallets and legs of trousers checked. Yes there were slightly longer queues than you find at most clubs now, but at least they were actively seen to be searching everyone who went in.

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In my experience - its common for dance clubs or dance nights to search people on the way in - although compared to London clubs - Sheffield searches are not that strict (although I'm not sure of the legality of doorstaff putting their thumbs inside waistbands as has happend to me in London...).


If someone was going to use a "date rape" drug (I agree - its not really an appropriate term) - dont think searches would put them off though.


However the number of incidents are still quite low and far more problems come about as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.

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Jake, entirely agree about the alcohol point.


People think because alcohol is legal, they should be able to drink as much as they like and have a diminshed responsibility for looking after themselves.


Yes, it would be nice to live in a world where there were no dangers and no nasty people, I agree. I'm not saying we shouldn't aim for this but it is not the situation we are in.


If the "date rape" phenomenon was eradicated overnight it wouldn't solve 5% of the problems that occur in nightclubs.

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Sorry to bump such a controvertial topic, but any update on this sorry and shameful saga?


I'm supposed to be having a night on the town with a load of mates a week on Saturday, and we might have ended up in a club whos name has 'that many letters'. Needless to say these rumours make me a little worried for the female members of the entourage


I hope this person is OK. Nasty nasty thing. Some folks are just plain wired-up wrong :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

I watched the dispatches programme last night about drink spiking it seems to be a wide spread problem in clubs around the country.


Is there the same problem or have you been ' spiked' in a Sheffield pub/club ?


Perhaps if these Clubs/pubs are known to us all we can go some way to stopping this happening in our area.

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The thought of it really makes my blood rush.


On holiday I met 2 gorgeous Scottish girls and went out to a nightclub with them both of them. One was hammered and put her head down on the bar, then this guy walks over to her with what looked like something in his hand.


I saw nothing but bad intentions... So I lost my temper slightly, I'll save you all of the threat I made but it isn't nice, but he got the point and said he was off to "Get his mates".. I just said I'll be here.


They should just use the bottle tops like the ones on top of powerade, so nothing can be dropped in.

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I don't think that it is the clubs/pubs that are responsible is it? drink spikers can be anywhere, so knowing where it has happened already isn't going to mean it will happen there again.

Just don't leave your drink unattended and don't accept them off strangers.

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