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Date rape drugs & spiked drinks in Sheffield


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so knowing where it has happened already isn't going to mean it will happen there again.

you obviously havent read the enitre thread have you? because yes sometimes it does mean it will happen again, i know of 15 instances its happened in one club in sheffield. its not a case of watching your drink or not letting anyone buy you a drink when its the bar staff for instance? anyway, i dont want to get into to much really, someone close to me got badly spiked there and are still ill from it and its permanent.

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I went to a nitespot in central sheffield last weekend. Some guy shoved a full bottle of larger in to my hand,I didnt drink it but he didnt know that, he still watched me all night.

And when I was leaving I got seperated from the rest of the group,this guy grabbed the top of my arm and said somthing along the lines of "your friends have all gone home you would be safer comming in my taxi and i'll drop you off" he had his hand round the top of my arm in quite a forcefull grip and I think he thought I was wasted. Luckily my friends came back to find me and he let go and skulked off in to the back of the club.

Most of my friends made a comment about how strange he was and I got the impression that there was more than larger in the bottle he gave me, Luckily I was a little drunk but still able to suss out an iffy situation if I had of drank that beer I think it would have been a different matter. I definatley think that all young women out on the town should be very wary I certainly wont be in a hurry to go out again..

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Originally posted by green

its a pity you didnt tell the doorstaff, and insist they ring the police. these people need to be caught and put away for a long time. :( :( :(

I know if I was prehaps a little more sober I would have thought on to do so..I was shook up and just wanted to get home to my bloke and kids, and even if I did, if he had the stuff stashed away safe they could never prove it anyway they would have thought I was a nurotic drunken woman.

Still we must be very aware when out drinking dont take drinks from strangers

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i think that since this issue is foremost in most decent peoples minds, the doorstaff, manager and police would have taken what you said very seriously. If the doorstaff hadnt taken you seriously the police certainly would. Dont assume that just because youve had a few drinks you will be classed as a neurotic woman. 90% of people on a evening out have had a few drinks lol.



btw.....whilst i take your circumstances very seriously, i witnessed a girl goto the manager of a venue recently, and report that she felt a barman had spiked her drink, as she saw him place something into it, and now she felt very queasy. When the manager asked her which barman and what was her drink, she replied sambuca, and pointed out the individual. Whilst serving sambuca its common practice to put 3 coffee beans into the drink, which ultimately turned out to be in this case.... the poor girl was soo upset when she realised !!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by lexsexlexsex

Scarily enough i've heard of places in my hometown [york] where the barstaff and bouncers work together. The barstaff drug the drinks and the bouncers evict and rape the girls behind bars clubs etc.

Scary stuff and apparently it's spreading.


errmmmm... well its a good scary story.. but sounds a bit like a urban myth to me...


Like anything - be careful - but dont get paranoid...

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a friend of mine recently had her drink spiked with something and was in a terrible state and 1 week on is still aching and having to visit the doctor.


if i saw any1 doing this i would find it hard to hold back because to me this is the lowest kind of scum you can find.


i feel more glad that i dont go `out' because if its not idiots spiking drinks or pushing drugs its some moran who thinks he's mike tyson looking for a fight.

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