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Date rape drugs & spiked drinks in Sheffield


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cheap night !! joking. no i havent but i know someone that has. not good if ur not prepared or expecting something. same goes for shots put in drinks. at least if you have a cocktail (drink) you know ur gonna get v v v tipsy.

i remember a few years ago with all that GHB about, very scary - seems to have calmed down though

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Originally posted by draggletail

Why do people insist on calling them 'Date' rape drugs - it seems there is no 'Dating' element involved - they are RAPE drugs - sorry for semantics, but lets call a spade a spade

think i read in cosmo or somewhere, that it started from guys doing it to girls on their dates, 1st 2nd or whatever. nowadays its just happening to people on the night in a club by someone they never met - or even scarier someone they do know

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Sorry I've not read through the entire thread but I just received this in my email box and thought it might be an idea to pop this on here.


Sorry if you've all seen it before.




A woman at a nightclub on Saturday night was taken by 5 men, who


>according to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before dumping






>Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed


>The repeat rapes and along with traces of Rohypnol in her blood, was


>Progesterex, which is essentially a small sterilization pill. The drug


>Is now being used by rapists at parties to rape AND sterilize their






>Progesterex is available to vets to sterilize large animals. Rumor



>it that Progesterex is being used together with Rohypnol, the date rape






>As with Rohypnol, all they have to do is drop it into the girl's drink.


>The girl can't remember a thing the next morning, of all that had taken


>Place the night before. Progesterex, which dissolves in drinks just as


>easily, is such that the victim doesn't conceive from the rape and the


>rapist needn't worry about having a paternity test identifying him


>months later.




>The drug's effects ARE NOT TEMPORARY- They are P*E*R*M*A*N*E*N*T!


>Progesterex was designed to sterilize horses. Any female who takes it


>WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CONCEIVE. The weasels can get this drug from


>anyone Who is in the vet school or any university. It's that easy, and


>Progesterex Is about to break out big everywhere.




>Believe it or not, there are even sites on the Internet telling


>people how to use it. Please forward this to everyone you know,


>especially girls. Be careful when you're out and don't leave your


>drink unattended.




>Please make the effort to forward this on to all you know...




>Guys, please inform all your female friends and relatives. PLEASE




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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

IT IS A HOAX is it (no need to shout mate - I would have read it just as easy without caps lock on :roll: )


Either way hoax or not, it's still in keeping with the thread and always best to be vigilant.


Soory about that - just seen the story do the rounds so many times!


I'm always a bit uneasy about the whole dodgy geezer/dodgy drug spiking thing - as far far more bad things happen as result of people voluntarily drinking too much alcohol.


Although bogey men are easy to blame, binge/heavy drinking cause many many times more problems - its just not as exciting to say - "dont drink to excess" as it is to say "watch out for dodgy drugs in your drink".


Watch out for dodgy things - but dont lose sight of the real problems!

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