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Bankers Draft Closed For One Week!!


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..perhaps the OLD ROSIE may change in colour and flavour after this week next door???? Not that I suggesting that the cider served there is anything other than 100% cider of course!!!!! Leave that to the experts I think......





I certainly thought it was a bit, how shall we say, lacking :hihi:

Funny how there is no sign of any refurb work in the pub seating area, just in the cellar :huh:


Draw your own conclusions :suspect:

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We may be off the beaten track so to speak, but only 30 seconds walk from the High Street (down alley next to Pizza hut). After being in 'limbo' for some time in the past, we are now pretty much a circuit bar on the rock and real ale route around town, and have somethng that appeals to all:thumbsup: Things will continue to get better so check us out soon....we get totally full at weekends now and weekday nights are really picking up with live music fans and students, plus of course our faithful rock and real ale regulars!


at a loose end tonight, owt going off at your place?

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