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Favourite Old Sweets


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Anyone remember Palm Toffee ? Absolutely disgusting sandwich of cream toffee outsides with a layer of yellow, banana flavoured toffee in the middle.


We had a shop near my school which would take coupons in exchange for sweets. Used to buy cheap sweets like gobstoppers and black jacks, then splurge once a week on a walnut whip.

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golden cups...a chocalate bar with caramel in the middle.....my fave!!



Are you thinking of Mackintosh's Toffee Cups - about 4 inches long - chocolate with a runny toffee centre - my grandmother used to bring when she visited - tried to buy way back in 1982 but assume Mackintosh have merged with somebody else. and - yeah - bring back spangles. PS can you still buy polo mints "the mint with the hole"?


Can you still buy other Mackintosh products: Rolos, and another one which I can't rmember the name - it was a long skinny packet with about 20 small chocolate cubes - with runny toffee and crunchy biscuit.???!!!

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My favourate was and still is "YORKSHIRE MIXTURE" remember eating them at school always covered in blazer fluff!!!also if ever forced to pass em round would make sure all the fish were at the bottom of the bag so you could hold tight to them!!!also liked fry's 5 boy chocolate and "Old jamaica"rum chocolate bar!!fan of "acid drops"too!!!"pink elephant" strawberry choc ices,the list is endless!!!!!

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