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Favourite Old Sweets


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Can you still buy other Mackintosh products: Rolos, and another one which I can't rmember the name - it was a long skinny packet with about 20 small chocolate cubes - with runny toffee and crunchy biscuit.???!!!


Sounds like you are thinking of Munchies, Helbco. Also, do you remember Mintola? Similar but with a mint centre?

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Thanks for all the replies.Bringing back happy memories.

Just found that they are selling the original BAZOOKA bubblies on a stall in the fish market sheffield £1 a box.lovely . but taste lasts about 5 seconds.still smell the same as ever though.

Theres also an old sweet shop at the bottom of the hill near park square i used to take my kids there when they were younger.(grannellis) i think its called.

Bring back the old sweet shops?

I dont think the dentists would agree though. LOL

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What about Waggon Wheels - when they were really big. Not like the teeny things you get these days.


Used to love Floral Gums, bought by the quarter from a big jar on the top shelf. Little muti-coloured sweets they were, so you used to get loads weighed out into a paper bag.


Cheers, Jas

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yes was probably munchies.


You can still buy full size waggon wheels I think - as well as packets of biscuit size.


Anyone remember a wonderful cake shop on Abbeydale Road called Gregories? they had amzaing vanilla slices and 'ice tarts' which were a small bakewell tart with thick icing. Forget to check if it was still there in August last year

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During the war when sweets were scarce , we could sometimes buy Spanish liquorice from the chemist,s. It came as a hard black lump , a bit like coal. We also bought sticks of cinnamon, which we tried, unsuccessfully , to smoke.

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During the war when sweets were scarce , we could sometimes buy Spanish liquorice from the chemist,s. It came as a hard black lump , a bit like coal. We also bought sticks of cinnamon, which we tried, unsuccessfully , to smoke. Aniseed balls were my favourite.

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