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The "hole" in wooley woods.


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In (more or less) the middle of wooley woods at the side of a path there's a pool of water that's there most of the year if not all year round (memory's a bit hazy). At the other side of the path is a short drop of maybe two feet. If you were to jump down there and turn around to face where you've just dropped down from you'd see the "hole" I'm on about. It's Rectangular, maybe two feet high by one and a half wide, made of sandstone (it's man-made for sure) walls with a slab accross the top and if I remember correctly water runs from it constantly. Probably from the spring that makes the pool I mentioned earlier. When I was a kid myself and a couple of mates decided to explore it but got no more than two or three feet before it got too dark to see. I seem to remember it going in for a few feet before turning right into blackness.


Does anybody know what it is or why it's there?

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