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Nicky-Nacky Noo !


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Hiya everybody,

I wonder if any of our older forum friends have any idea of the old party piece which my Mother in law used to sing called "nicky-nacky- noo", the song started off " with my hands on myself--- what have I here" and each part of the body was given a different name .eg -- stomach was "bread basket"--- mouth was "word speaker" . Can anyone else remember any more of the words. I know to the young uns this won't sound very good, but some of them may have heard their grand parents singing it.

It's a request from my daughter who works at an old folks home, to try and jog their memories of old songs.


thanks deecee

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I know the song you are talking about and for the record I'm 22.

What I remember is

"Put my hands on my ____

what have we here?

This is my ______

my teacher dear"

The first gap is what you normally call something and the second gap you use the funny word, so if 'head' was the first gap 'brain box' was the second.

Then you say all the funny body items you have gone through, until you get to the one you have only just said and thats where the 'nicky nacky noo' comes in


'thats what they taught me when i went to school'

then you start again with the next body item.

I can't remember all the parts of the body though, I have a brain storm with my siblings and see what we come up with.

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Hiya Kathryn3,

thanks for your reply, I wasn't being ageist it's just that not many young people will have heard of these "party pieces" probably because many family get togethers don't seem to happen these days. We used to hear them all the time, but the old grey matter gets a bit sparse when you're getting on , we've been racking the bits that are still there and we've thought of another line to the song " This is my chest protector " then with the chorus as you say

Thanks again for your input


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Oh the arguments this has caused at work since you posted you this!!!!


This is one entry


With my hands on my head,

What have I here?

This is my maythinker, my teacher dear,

maythinker, nicky nacky nocky noo,

That's what they taught me when I went to school!


2. eyes, eyepeepers

3. nose: smellboxer

4. mouth: boykisser

5. chin: chinwagger

6. tummy: breadbasket

7. knees: kneeknockers

8. toes: toetappers



This is another


This is my hand. What have I hear?

this is my hat checker my teacher dear.

Hat checker, Nicky Nacky Noo

That's what I learned at the school. Boom Boom!


Ear flopper, eye blinker, nose blower, food chopper, chin whiskers, rubber necker, chest protector, bread basket,


The arguments go on.............

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