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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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Yes it does logically follow.


So your argument rests on, non smoking bars vs smoking bars and you only being able to access one of them whereas I could access both?? Okay :loopy:


Regardsless of our opinions on this, as clearly we aint gonna find any common ground at all.... Surely, SURELY you can see it as more than simply being allowed to smoke in public places or not, do you not recognise that there is a MASSIVE link to govt intervention into our lives and the social control evident during the New Labour govt?


This is kinda the point i'm trying to make here...(And DO bear in mind that Im not one of those who would make people endure my smoking at all, as I hopefully made clear in my first post) However, I am one of these that feels that if I choose to smoke, along with other people who also do, I should have the right to do this is an environment that states its for smokers. Unfortunately that choice is gone for me now and I am left with my smoking being a criminal offence in public places. Not only does this impact on my life in a legal aspect but also due to the fine, it also becomes an economic consideration.


I still strongly feel that smokers should be allowed legally to smoke in clubs/pubs that are designated as smoking environments, that way both smokers and non smokers have a choice as to wether or not they enter, or whether they use an alternative establishment, ie you would have the CHOICE.

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I've kept up :thumbsup: You may want to find out what the zone actually means though in order to understand the argument - alcohol isn't banned. But a penalty might be issued if, when asked to stop/surrender the alcohol, the drinker doesn't. Might be a good thing for smoking too?


What it means is for the entire area within the inner ring road there is a ban on carrying or drinking alcohol on the streets. That area stretches from Sheffield University down to Neepsend which is one large area.


If you are spotted by a policeman carrying alcohol that alcohol will be confiscated. If you refuse to hand over the alcohol you will be arrested. That is the reason why at the recent Tramlines festivals stewards were on hand to make sure no one left the stage areas with alcoholic drinks.

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That's not an Alcohol Exclusion Zone then. An AEZ doesn't ban alcohol totally. There's even previous posts on here e.g. http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=3274683&postcount=9


I am not sure what you are trying to prove here. The are IS a Alcohol Exclusion Zone. It was debated by Sheffield Council and the area designated as an alcohol exclusion zone.

An alcohol exclusion zone is the public areas within a designated perimiter where it is not permitted to conume alcohol other than in places where the consumption of alcohol is licenced. A pub in the zone may well have a beer garden or a cafe a licenced street seating area where alcohol can be consumed but if you step out of those areas police have the power to confiscate you drinks. That certainly includes smokers walking out of the back door of the Bankes Draft and taking their pint with them.

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Never mind. You're right in that they have the powers to do so. But it's discretionary. I'm hardly likely to be slapped with a fine enjoying my can of G&T in the sunshine at lunch. But if they wanted to stop me, they could. The point was that similar legislation was suggested earlier for dealing with smoking. Was just trying to clarify what the similar leglislation is. There appears to be a lack of understanding on what the AEZ actually means, that's all.

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The next step will to make it unlawful to kiss or snog in public------followed by, no eating of ' unsuitable food ' in public ; no unwholesome or loud laughter in public ; cameras placed in every house for child protection and / or to record every incident of adult sexual activity ; every visit to the bathroom will have to be recorded as part of an ' Elf 'N ' Safety ' drive ; cyclists to have number plates and log-books ; lists of DVD 's .....etc....in every house must be produced on request...............etc................etc.............


Once the Control Freaks succeed in one area of life, they will carry on trying to gain more and more control. The Nazis, Fascists & Soviet Communists came up with very ' valid ' reasons, every time the screw was turned.


Unbelievable ? Fantastic ? Imagine, 40 years ago, in the U.K. telling someone about the U.K. 's 2010 laws------they would just laugh and say " Impossible . only a nation of thick sheep would stand for all that ! "

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You would have been right Fareast, except that Nu Stalinist Labour were voted out this time.

The conservatives don't believe in big government or being your parent and the lib dems believe in freedom and liberty.

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