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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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People seem to be concentrating on the ban as it will affect pubs but this is not the only area of our lives that will be affected by the new rules. It will apply to all public enclosed spaces including workplaces it will have far reaching effects on all our lives.

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I've never understood why it's ok to smoke in a car, but not to eat or drink. A dropped lit cigarette is going to be more risky that a dropped apple or sandwich.

Exactly, when I am driving long distances I have to be cagey about eating and drinking while driving but everyone else can smoke to there hearts content. I would rather spill a bit of cola on my legs than a lit cig.:huh::confused: BTW yes about time they ban smoking, imo most people who smoke don't see why we complain when they light up, it stinks and makes us stink.:mad:

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the government will never ban it completely cos they make too much money from it!!!!!


Exactly! Same with petrol and diesel. The government make too much money from it so why should the invest in cleaner fuels?


Anyway back to the topic. I quit smoking on New Years Eve and I think the ban is a good idea in public places but on the other hand its another part of the government telling us what we can and cant do and i feel that our freedom is slipping away.

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It's ages since I passed my test so things may have changed.


Is it illegal to eat of drink in a car? Since when?


Back on subject, I'm pleased the Government has increased the age from 16 to 18. Let's hope it gets implemented.




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An unfortunate consequence of the smoking ban in Scotland is that, without the smell of tobacco to mask it, most pubs up there now smell of body odour and flatulence.....


There is going to be a new law to come in Scotland to combat this problem now that the anti smoking groups have found something else to have a go at people for.


People who drink or smell of curry will probaly be next!

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Accustomed to clean-smelling pub eating areas in Australia, I was reluctant to eat in pubs last time I visited UK. So I shall probably patronise pubs *more* on my next visit if smoking has been banned.

Someone said smokers will migrate to cafes. Won't the same ban apply to cafes?

If the cafes fill with smoke, they won't get our custom.

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There is going to be a new law to come in Scotland to combat this problem now that the anti smoking groups have found something else to have a go at people for.


People who drink or smell of curry will probaly be next!

On what grounds do you claim that people who support the ban on smoking in enclosed public areas do so out of a desire to persecute people as opposed to a well founded opposition to the specific activity of smoking in enclosed public areas?

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