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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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This is another reason why the ban will be such a good thing, take the cigarettes out of pubs and you've made what was one of the toughest places for nicotine addicts trying to give up safe for them.


Provided they have the will power to stay inside.

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I'm going to start this post with an apology. I misread your post. you wrote this

it's just that I have desire to join in with their habit
and because you appear to have missed a word i took it to mean you were an ex-smoker. apparently you are not. this is why much of my last post makes little sense to you.


now to deal with what you said


Not the brightest person on the planet are we?
obviously not. although i do have a degree from cambridge.
Do you actually read posts before responding? ?
yes. do you? when they are written correctly then i don't make mistakes.
For instance - What former addiction do I have, I'm curious now??
explained above
And which drug of choice do I wish to partake in??
presumably alcohol. you constantly discuss going to the pub i'm assuming you aren't a teetotaller. alcohol is an incredibly dangerous and addictive drug with a high social cost. i would also guess you partake of caffiene on a regular basis another mood altering addictive drug.
A clue for you, I don't do drugs, legal or otherwise, not for any moral reason, I just find them and those who rely on them, incredibly boring.?
bully for you. although i think you'll find you do. caffiene is a popular one as described above, there are also several chemicals released in spicy food and in chocolate that are mood altering and faintly addictive. also if you have ever taken any kind of medication for anything ever then you have taken drugs. you may not take them on a regular basis but you have taken them
Though if people want to use drugs, I think they should be allowed to, smoking included. Just don't force me to join in.?
so people can do what they want so long as you have total say in when where and how they do it? well aren't you a little prince?! heres me thinking you are unreasonable and all the time its me being unreasonable. why don't we give every smoker in the country your phone number then they can double check with you that its ok that they have one? its so simple. thank you for clearing that up. the point of the argument is smokers don't want a ban they want a secure area where they can go and not have to put up with people whining at them for their habit. its not like smokers are demanding that all non smokers should be strapped down and forcefed non filtered capstans until they cough up a lung.


If someone were to try and punch me I have the luxury of being able to dodge a punch and be allowed to prevent my assailant from trying again, but with smoke, I get it shoved up my nose whether I like it or not. So, yes I can tell the difference between them, thank you for asking.?


I don't call people who disagree with me morons, people are more than welcome to alternative opinions. I save morons for really dim people. Like you, who stated this particular interaction with
what a moronic thing to say
So not only are you unable to read, you're a hypocrite too.
firstly that statement does not call anybody a moron. it simply is an opinion on your previous post. in no way is it a slur on you personally. i have never anywhere ever called you a moron. secondly i can read. otherwise how would i know how deeply unpleasant you are?


Try reading posts properly before responding in future.That includes all of the words and preferably in the right order.:P
try writing your posts properly and i will.
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I'm going to start this post with an apology. I misread your post. you wrote this and because you appear to have missed a word i took it to mean you were an ex-smoker. apparently you are not. this is why much of my last post makes little sense to you.

An obvious typo I'd have said in context of the rest of what I'd written.

now to deal with what you said


obviously not. although i do have a degree from cambridge. yes. do you?

I know a lot of very stupid people with degrees. They are nothing to boast about these days.



when they are written correctly then i don't make mistakes. explained above
You have a degree and you're perfect. Gosh I'm underwhelmed.



presumably alcohol. you constantly discuss going to the pub i'm assuming you aren't a teetotaller. alcohol is an incredibly dangerous and addictive drug with a high social cost.
Again like tom3T0, not quite understanding arguing a point and being literal and no I do not drink alchohol.
i would also guess you partake of caffiene on a regular basis another mood altering addictive drug.


Wrong again, gosh you're not making mistakes claim not looking good here.



bully for you. although i think you'll find you do. caffiene is a popular one as described above there are also several chemicals released in spicy food and in chocolate that are mood altering and faintly addictive.
I like biscuits and adore sun dried banansa/pineapples. Are you going to use that against me now to bolster your vapid argument?


also if you have ever taken any kind of medication for anything ever then you have taken drugs. you may not take them on a regular basis but you have taken them
Absolutely grasping at straws now. I take Migraleve, maybe once a year. Never been in hospital and cannot even remember my Doctor's name, it's been so long and taking antibiotics to cure an ailment is not a drug habit, especially if it's every few years at most.



so people can do what they want so long as you have total say in when where and how they do it? well aren't you a little prince?! heres me thinking you are unreasonable and all the time its me being unreasonable.
See this is why I think you are a bit dim. I've said I don't mind if people smoking, just don't force me to join in. There's a big difference, which seems to have escaped your perfect, Cambridge educated brain


why don't we give every smoker in the country your phone number then they can double check with you that its ok that they have one? its so simple. thank you for clearing that up. the point of the argument is smokers don't want a ban they want a secure area where they can go and not have to put up with people whining at them for their habit. its not like smokers are demanding that all non smokers should be strapped down and forcefed non filtered capstans until they cough up a lung.
Smokers want to smoke whenever they feel like it actually. They are junkies remember. And now the tide is turning against them, they bleat about their non-existent rights.



firstly that statement does not call anybody a moron. it simply is an opinion on your previous post. in no way is it a slur on you personally. i have never anywhere ever called you a moron. secondly i can read. otherwise how would i know how deeply unpleasant you are?
So what I post being moronic does not imply that I'm moronic. Disingenous arguing.

Actually why I think you cannot read properly, is because you misinterpret so much of the posts I've have written. Such as the one when say what I written was moronic. You missed point of post entirely and continue to do so.


try writing your posts properly and i will.
I make a single typo and everything I post is therefore incorrect, is it? And this is from the man who is too lazy to capitalise his words. You obviously type with the same industry as you read.
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An obvious typo I'd have said in context of the rest of what I'd written.
I didn't see it. hence the apology


I know a lot of very stupid people with degrees. They are nothing to boast about these days.
Doesn't surprise me you know plenty of stupid people


You have a degree and you're perfect. Gosh I'm underwhelmed.
Its ok, you're forgiven;)


Again like tom3T0, not quite understanding arguing a point and being literal and no I do not drink alchohol. Wrong again, gosh you're not making mistakes claim not looking good here.
Which is why I said I was making an assumption.


I like biscuits and adore sun dried banansa/pineapples. Are you going to use that against me now to bolster your vapid argument?
I don't need to. You're argument was you don't use drugs. Clearly you do. By eating chocolate/spicy food, which you seem to be implying, in a small, tiny way you do. I do seem to remember something about bananas having narcotic qualities when dried and smoked. Junkie!;):D


Absolutely grasping at straws now. I take Migraleve, maybe once a year. Never been in hospital and cannot even remember my Doctor's name, it's been so long and taking antibiotics to cure an ailment is not a drug habit, especially if it's every few years at most.
I never suggested that using antibiotics was a drug habit & i'm not grasping at straws. Just bolstering my argument that you are not this perfect, pure being who never ever ingests anything toxic.


See this is why I think you are a bit dim. I've said I don't mind if people smoking, just don't force me to join in. There's a big difference, which seems to have escaped your perfect, Cambridge educated brain
No it doesn't.


Smokers want to smoke whenever they feel like it actually. They are junkies remember. And now the tide is turning against them, they bleat about their non-existent rights.
If something is legal you have the right to do it. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't a right. Acknowledging other peoples rights and finding common ground is the tricky part.


So what I post being moronic does not imply that I'm moronic.
No it doesn't
Disingenous arguing.

Actually why I think you cannot read properly, is because you misinterpret so much of the posts I've have written. Such as the one when say what I written was moronic. You missed point of post entirely and continue to do so.

Then educate me.


I make a single typo and everything I post is therefore incorrect, is it? And this is from the man who is too lazy to capitalise his words. You obviously type with the same industry as you read.
I never said that. Although for someone who has mocked other peoples punctuation and grammer on this thread you are remarkably sensitive about the fact when someone pulls you up on yours.

We aren't actually getting anywhere. We're just spiralling into petty arguments and sniping.


Heres my suggestion


You detail your problems with the idea of a designated area in public places for people to smoke well away from non smokers and then we can actually begin to debate the problem instead of acting like children.


(I tried to capitalise in all the right places just for you! I hope you appreciate it:thumbsup: )

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Doesn't surprise me you know plenty of stupid people
You're one of the people I was referencing actually.

And like you they are not friends.

Which is why I said I was making an assumption.
Which is not smart, hence the impression of dumbness of your postings. Read posts more carefully instead!

If something is legal you have the right to do it. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't a right. Acknowledging other peoples rights and finding common ground is the tricky part.
Being legally allowed to do something is not the same as a right to do something. I can buy a stereo, I don't have the right to play it at full blast at 4am. Freedom of speech, not to be bullied or discriminated against due to race, religion... those are rights. Indulging in a personal pleasure whenever you want to is not a right, especially when it is not only unpleasant for for others nearby, but toxic.


As for the cretinous reasoning that I'm also a drug user if I buy a Mars bar or eat a banana, how stupid are you to think that equates with narcotics usuage or alchohol? Which is what people actually mean by drug use. And if you were to actually believe that nonsensical line, why don't you petition the police to test people to see if they have had some Dairy Milk or maybe a Twix before driving.:loopy: What if they had both and a Topic, would that be like mixing your drinks or like a snakebite if they ate them simultaneously?


Smokers can smoke as much as they want, as long as they do not affect others, people can drink as much as they want as long as they don't affect others, same goes for all drug users. But if someone has say a skinful and then drives home, then there is an issue. Just because I don't use drugs, it doesn't mean I'm anti-drugs, I simply don't need them to enjoy myself, so I don't use them. Nothing to do with being perfect or having morals, I'm just not that interested. Same as I'm not very interested in crocheting or trainspotting, they are somewhat boring.

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