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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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If i choose to smoke, and no i don't believe in inflicting it upon others, then what business is it of the police???,


None at all, so you won't have a problem.

The police will only be interested if you're smoking in a public place, most likely a bar or club, which means you would be inflicting it on other people...

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Such as people who advocate and encourage extreme violence, such as glassings?


Good point, I sincerly hope people who carry out violence or the threatening of violence with a weapon (blade,bullet,bomb or substance) or with an object without moving parts are dealt with "appropiately"* but bare in mind i have the right to free speech. i will not glass a "smoking ban enforcer" but i will praise. I have the right to free speech (at least i still hope i do i'm English [is that british] anyway).

Hitler was the first person to bring in an anti-smoking law, look back into time and you will see the best leaders were smokers, told Winston Churchill for example.

I've had dealings with the law with me been the victim (4/4 of the above with no action taken) and with me perpertrating (2/4 with no action taken)

It's a pity it won't happen, because it should!

The current enforcement of the law is a "F"** Farce.

*. appropiate - lost definition due to leftie influence

**. financial

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hiya, to all the smokers & non-smokers out there.

i`ve just today read that this new smoking ban is going to cost me as a publican £2.500 fine, plus a £50.00 fine for anybody smoking on my premises, when it comes into force in july, as a small business just one person smoking on my premises could force me to go bust with the fine, instead of employing new officers to police this new law which will cost the goverment £25.5 million wouldent the council`s be better off putting the money into outside areas for smokers to go for a fag and try to keep small business`s going instead of going on the dole, WHICH I THINK WILL COST THIS GOVERMENT A HELL OF A LOT MORE!

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hiya, to all the smokers & non-smokers out there.

i`ve just today read that this new smoking ban is going to cost me as a publican £2.500 fine, plus a £50.00 fine for anybody smoking on my premises, when it comes into force in july, as a small business just one person smoking on my premises could force me to go bust with the fine, instead of employing new officers to police this new law which will cost the goverment £25.5 million wouldent the council`s be better off putting the money into outside areas for smokers to go for a fag and try to keep small business`s going instead of going on the dole, WHICH I THINK WILL COST THIS GOVERMENT A HELL OF A LOT MORE!


It's a disgrace, i am and still after july could be a great customer but it looks like i could be going to prison and at the same time losing you your livelehood.

I hear pubs are closing at the rate (60)35 a month (25 open each month)

the attendance of mosques and cathlic churches is on the increase though.

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This looks on the surface like a typical bit of Nulabour silliness There have for many years now been public and semi-public places where smoking has been forbidden, - shops, trains, planes and buses as well as govt and LA offices, libraries, museums etc. and there has been no need to employ 'enforcers' here. A 'No Smoking' sign has proved to be quite adequate.


Already this corps of jobsworths has been christened the 'Stasi' (Specially Trained Anti Smoking Investigators) mingling incognito amongst the customers in pubs and clubs, camera-phone at the ready, to catch someone who forgetfully lights up a fag.


Given the hysteria of the anti-smoking mob such an act of forgetfulness is likely to get the offender lynched on the spot so the Stasi seem quite superfluous, unless of course their real purpose is to record the actions of the lynch mob :D

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can someone on here please have solid evidence to prove passive smoking causes cancer instead of bashing on about the ban coz it makes your clothes smell.


try http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed


then entering the words lung +cancer+ passive +smoking for several scientific studies into the effects of passive smoking.


There are also a number of studies carried out looking at the effects of the environment (e.g all other pollution including industry and transport pollution) and the incidence of cancer in smokers and never-smokers (rather than those who have smoked and subsequently given up), showing that smoking has additional causative impact compared to environment alone.

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Given the hysterical and endless whingeing of the smokers who are going to have to go all of a few yards to have a smoke, I should think this 'stasi' will be quite necessary, at least initially.


Well if I were inclined to be hysterical about anything it would be about the govt.'s need to appoint a secret police force to catch those guilty of what is after all a minor misdemeanour. And I'm wondering what other of the petty directives of our nanny state they might feel the need to enforce in a similar manner. How long before half the population is employed spying on the other half ?


But meh = it's Blair's Britain...we have to live with it.


I shall stand at the bar sucking my empty pipe in the hope of telling one of these superannuated busy-bodies to bg off :hihi:

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