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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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scotland and ireland are not england. The scottish dont even like the english! In england in many towns, there are a lot of city centre living apartments close to clubs, not allowing the roof terraces that the law specifies from july 1st. So if nightclubs close because half of the customers are going to illegal raves to smoke and the staff lose their jobs and cant get another one because of the cheap labour that is being employed instead, dont blame me.



There is certainly nothing wrong with your geography, indeed Scotland is not England and I would venture to say indeed that France is not Iceland or even that Bulgaria is not Canada. I am not sure what this proves but it is certainly geographically accurate. If you are saying that the English love to smoke but the Scotts hate it then you are on a hiding to nothing because all eveidence is that smoking is more prevelant in Scotland than in England.

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Some of us having been waiting years for this. OH and I stopped going into our local 5 years ago, because of the smoke. I loved the cards and darts, the quiz and the lock-ins, but the smell of our clothes and hair, the running eyes and coughing outweighed all the pleasure of the pub. Now we'll be able to enjoy a pint and a laugh in our local again. There must be loads of people like us who'll return to pubs. There'll be loads of bar staff too who'll be able to work in a clean atmosphere, just like office workers.


Roll on.

My OH would hardly ever take me to a pub because of the smoke,so he said.:hihi: He "ll have to think up another excuse now won"t he?
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Still, the government have no right to tell people what they can and cant do.


Actaully that is sort of the idea of a democracy and why governments are elected.


To be blunt with you, you do not seem very well informed about some of these things. It was not the Government but a free vote in parliament that introduced the new smoking laws. There was a majority of 200 (the current Government majority is about 62) which is very rare in our system.



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I give up on this anyway, just dont blame me when this government takes other rights away. Why dont they ban sunbeds, they cause skin cancer, so does the sun. when will the stupidness end.


This old red herring again. I don't know of any plans to ban other things but such bans were introduced you can bet that it would be on the merrits of the particular case and not because smoking was or was not banned.

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The reason that smoking is being banned instead of [insert other unhealthy thing] is fivefold:


One - It is more unhealthy than any other common activity


Two - Not only the person smoking is affected, but others around them - approximately 60% as much as the smoker themselves (dependent on environment, but enclosed clubs certainly).


Three - As well as being unhealthy for yourself and others, it smells disgusting and makes things around you smell disgusting


Four - Many smokers only smoke because they're addicted, and this addiction is the only thing that prevents them from accepting how unhealthy and bad-smelling it really is


Five - It is very unpopular with the majority of this country's residents. As we live in a democracy, this ban accurately represents the views of the people (for once).

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I reckon the next move for the government will be to censor all the old films where smoking is seen as an enjoyable pastime. All those shots of Parisian bistros or decadent Berlin bierkellers.......etc...... will be 'cleansed' by the Health & Safety people.


Then, they will probably trawl the books that contain positive references to smoking and similar purges will be carried out.


Oh, what a blessing that will be to the Great British Public ! They will be able to live in a tobacco-free atmosphere to their little heart's content !


It only remains for them then, to get rid of all unhealthy foods, all vehicle emissions, all industrial emissions, bonfire or garden smoke, barbecue pongs, alcohol outlets and gambling emporiums and.........thank the dear Lord, Britain will be saved from evil, disaster and unpleasant habits .


Once more, our proud nation will be able to hold its head up high as it marches into a McDonalds waving the California State flag.

Thank you, Tony and all in Europe !

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Five - It is very unpopular with the majority of this country's residents. As we live in a democracy, this ban accurately represents the views of the people (for once).


Wrong. Democracy doesn't come into it. Show where it said in Labour's 2005 manifesto that they'd ban smoking everywhere.


It doesn't? Oh no it says pubs not serving food and members-only clubs could choose whether or not to ban smoking. That was part of the platform they were re-elected on, so in actual fact democracy is destroyed.


Doubly so as market forces meant restaurants and pubs were going no smoking with the demand, what little there was because people don't mind.

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I was in Scotland for the weekend a few weeks ago,they already have a ban on smoking in pubs. It was a real pleasure to go to a pub and not come home stinking. The publicans didn't seem to be experiencing any loss of trade either!


I have been saying the same on other threads for weeks if not months, the world isn’t going to end, life will go on.


Smokers are there own worse enemy, for years we have had to put up with there vile habit and now they want our sympathy !

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