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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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Yes, thank you, RedRobbo, for reminding us about ' Carmen '. I have never seen the opera myself and now I don't ever want to see it.


Can anyone imagine ? Masses of people smoking on stage ? Oh, my God and Oh , my God again !


Let's hope the government takes the bull by the horns and trawls every book, every drama, every film and every opera and removes every reference to this foul and dreadful habit which slaughters millions.


We have the technology to do this, surely ? For example, in the film, 'Casablanca', whenever Humphrey Bogart lights up a fag, he could be shown eating a beefburger or a toffee apple instead ?


Only a short time ago, the actor playing Winstone Churchill at the Edinburgh Festival was ' persuaded ' not to smoke a cigar and one of the Rolling Stones was investigated, apparently, for smoking on stage.


So, let us go forth, brothers, and make a huge bonfire of anything related to the foul weed. Let us aim towards a society where even talking about smoking becomes an offence. We turned back the Nazis in the '40's. Let us now turn back the Smokers who threaten our babes and unborn. Hallalujah !

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Yes, thank you, RedRobbo, for reminding us about ' Carmen '. I have never seen the opera myself and now I don't ever want to see it.


Can anyone imagine ? Masses of people smoking on stage ? Oh, my God and Oh , my God again !


Let's hope the government takes the bull by the horns and trawls every book, every drama, every film and every opera and removes every reference to this foul and dreadful habit which slaughters millions.


We have the technology to do this, surely ? For example, in the film, 'Casablanca', whenever Humphrey Bogart lights up a fag, he could be shown eating a beefburger or a toffee apple instead ?


Only a short time ago, the actor playing Winstone Churchill at the Edinburgh Festival was ' persuaded ' not to smoke a cigar and one of the Rolling Stones was investigated, apparently, for smoking on stage.


So, let us go forth, brothers, and make a huge bonfire of anything related to the foul weed. Let us aim towards a society where even talking about smoking becomes an offence. We turned back the Nazis in the '40's. Let us now turn back the Smokers who threaten our babes and unborn. Hallalujah !


it's hard to tell if your sarcastic or a nazi

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I try not to watch TV ads,but I happened to see one last night where black, not white smoke was swirling around and out of peoples mouths.It looked revolting.


I thought if cig smoke WAS really so black that it blackened peoples hands,clothes,hair,homes etc,then maybe more would stop smoking.


I"m sure the ad about black lungs put a lot off smoking.

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I dont know why everyone thinks that people who smoke are demons. We support the NHS by paying tax through our cigs. Make us all stop smoking and the government will raise taxes to compensate. There are more people using the NHS for drink related cases eg liver damage, fights when people are drunk etc. Everyone grow up, some people smoke some dont, yea its disgusting but it didnt stop the government selling them to us for years. They have even put warnings on for at least 3 years. Smoking has never been proved to kill people 2nd hand and every non smoker who gets lung cancer has every chance of being affected as badly by cfcs in air fresheners, deoderants etc. Car fumes are a lot worse for our health but you would not give up your car would you. There are a lot of selfish people in this world and this thread proves it

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Smoking has never been proved to kill people 2nd hand and every non smoker who gets lung cancer has every chance of being affected as badly by cfcs in air fresheners, deoderants etc.
So even though you inhale smoke through a filter which it is know to have serious detrimental effects [like death], you still believe the unfiltered crap coming off the end of the cigarette that everyone else nearby has to breathe, has no effect. :loopy:

Typical junkie/addict rationalisation.

CFCs in air freshners and deoderants, do you mean those things that were banned years ago? And were never in roll-ons anyway. Air freshners are awful, not sure why anyone would want them stinking up house, unless it's to cover up the ashtray like smell from the smokers.



There are a lot of selfish people in this world and this thread proves it
Yeah, the muppets who think they have a right to smoke.

Oh hang on that's you.


I dont know why everyone thinks that people who smoke are demons.
Do they? Demons seems a bit harsh, I simply thought they were just inconsiderate and selfish.



You are really, really are wound up about this aren't you. No-one is actually stopping you smoking. All that is happening is that you are know no longer allowed to force others to join in with smelly habit. Grow up and get over it.

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We support the NHS by paying tax through our cigs.


And then you grab it right back by getting cancer & other smoking related illnesses AND giving it to others - free of charge - out of the goodness of your own heart...


Or do you mean the invisible taxes you don't pay by buying hooky fags from a bloke in a pub or from a friend of a friend who goes abroad a lot?


Ho ho ho...

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