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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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Can I just add to the chorus of voices who have pointed out the massive holes in BigAng's argument - it's an utterly absurd idea (and I say this as a smoker myself).

There's not a scrap of evidence been produced to the effect that the ban will cause job losses and frankly I think it's a red herring. If it bothers you that much go buy a shed and a portable music system; play intolerably loud music, charge your smoking chums ridiculous prices for crappy drinks and voila! Instant nightclub. You could pay yourself to be bouncer and barman and thus create useful employment.

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The Government are not making you quit smoking, they are restricting the places you can smoke giving people an incentive to quit. If the Government wanted everyone to quit straight away they wouldn't sell them. Simple!

but people wouldnt quit and then more fags would be smuggled in.

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Can't wait for the smoking ban to come, I am sick of getting home from a club and smelling like I've rolled in an ashtray :hihi:


Everybody know's that people are still going to smoke in clubs so I don't know what all the fuss is about. Smokers aren't just going to not go clubbing, or to bars if the can't smoke are they?

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scotland and ireland are not england. The scottish dont even like the english! In england in many towns, there are a lot of city centre living apartments close to clubs, not allowing the roof terraces that the law specifies from july 1st. So if nightclubs close because half of the customers are going to illegal raves to smoke and the staff lose their jobs and cant get another one because of the cheap labour that is being employed instead, dont blame me.


if any of you lot go to night clubs, you will realise that you cannot just go outside for a cig. So you are all saying smoking is bad but drinking to get liver damage is good then is it? My brother died at 33, due to his liver. He was a heavy smoker and drinker, his liver was damaged due to drink. The smoking did not even effect it. Just wait till booze is banned. All true muslims cannot drink alchohol and the way this country is going, it will be offensive to drink in the future. I think they should have smoking and non smoking pubs/clubs so people have the choice.


I was told to lose weight coz i was obese, i did that, why do all the doctors that are telling us to lose weight not do the same themselves. My boyfriend did a lot of works do's for the health authorities over xmas and most of the staff are really fat.


I am of good weight, good health, smoke less than 10 a day. I was not always a smoker but all i am saying is we should not smoke near non smokers, all i am asking for on my petition is a room well ventillated away from everyone else so we can smoke in NIGHTCLUBS ONLY! I have not argued about restaurants and if you want non smoking pubs, go to wetherspoons. I have never been in a non smoking restaurant and i stopped going to pizza hut 2 years ago because it stopped smoking in the building. My mum is getting worse with her health because the gradual alienation of smokers has given her nowhere else to go. She just stays in now, gets no exercise and it is not safe to walk anywhere after dark so what rights are we going to have in 2 years time. If you worry about the smell of cigarette smoke, takeaway smells, pollution and people being sick after too much grub and drink should be banned too then? I cant stand people who stink of bo when they are in a club but there is no ban for them or provision of deoderant (by the way, the cfcs in deoderant and air fresheners are as bad to an asma sufferer as cigarette smoke - i have done my homework on this one). everyone should grow up and not just think about themselves because they dont smoke. I smoke because it calms me down. I have been a victim of domestic violence, burgulary and many other infringements. I could not sleep properly for 2 years and smoking has helped me get through it. I enjoy a fag and a drink and am prepared to smoke away from you lot who dont smoke, but your ignorance is not letting you support my wishes on behalf of smokers. Please re read my petition, it is not asking for much, just nightclub smoking areas thats all.



you sound rather pathetic.:loopy:


just accept the fact that most people who have any brains or sanity are in favour of the smoking ban.


If you want to smoke, do so in your own environment, where passive smoke wont harm any unwilling victims!

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This is why cars are run OUTSIDE, and not in a room.


Cars are a benefit to the world. can you give me ANY benefits of a cigarette?

i believe they have been proven (scientifically i may add) to improve memory, also stress relief, and tax revenue.


if they ban smoking at bus stops because of health grounds, the same logic means they should ban buses and cars from driving anywhere near bus stops too, well public roads at least.

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i believe they have been proven (scientifically i may add) to improve memory, also stress relief, and tax revenue.


if they ban smoking at bus stops because of health grounds, the same logic means they should ban buses and cars from driving anywhere near bus stops too, well public roads at least.


bloody hell - you sound like a pillock too!


I dont want to stink of fags when i'm waiting for a bus. Plus I have asthma and breathing in passive smoke can bring on an attack.


Why should I have to put up with that, just waiting for a bus?


Smokers are the most selfish people around if they have this train of thought!


I just cannot wait for the ban

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