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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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So you're saying that smoking is harmless for everyone and we should all just shut up?


Because I still don't get why comparing a drug/toxin like cigarrettes with something like smack is 'hysterical'. Please show us all why fags are so much better.


I'm just saying I find the mad comparisons funny sometimes.

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I know, thats why I said it, and they are prone to getting hysterical and coming out with things like "how would you like it if I was spraying cycanide on you" or "how would you like it if I burnt your children at the stake next to you, 'cause that what smokers do"





Both side can do this. What about all this so called infringment of human rights that some smokers go on about. Human right - smoking? Good God talk about over egging the pudding. Since when has going outside a pub to a beer garden or whatever been such a terrible ordeal anyway?

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No, I'm not saying it's harmless, but I'm not saying it's the root of all evil and once it's banned people will live to 100.


I'm just saying I find the mad comparisons funny sometimes.

So do I, that's why I did it. But it's a fair-ish point - I used to smoke lots of weed, and I was always moaning about not being able to do it in the pub. Just got to accept that society doesn't want the same things as the individual.

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a way to upset the none smokers, dont tell anybody this or i'll get a kicking. when your outside make your last drag a big one. then hold it in till your back inside then discreetly puff it out. if you and all the others do this the pubs will be full of smoke again but they wont know who it is!

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I no longer smoke just purely cigarrettes but for me and probaly a lot of other smokers, the more legislation and restrictions are imposed on smokers it actually makes me more rebbelious and i am now thinking of starting again just to annoy the non smoking fascists. Im thinking of getting a 4x4 and rev it up wherever i know of non smokers are to see if this bothers them more or does more damage to their health?


I would aslo like to know how this ban is going to be enforced in certain pubs like Hen and chickens, cannon type pubs?


It won't be a problem in the cannon it's shut down

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a way to upset the none smokers, dont tell anybody this or i'll get a kicking. when your outside make your last drag a big one. then hold it in till your back inside then discreetly puff it out. if you and all the others do this the pubs will be full of smoke again but they wont know who it is!


And that's a secret?

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When people start comparing, say, smoking, drinking alcohol, driving for pleasure, gambling or eating ' unsuitable ' food, I think it's only fair that they should consider the TOTAL effect that these activities have on our wonderful little country. After all, walking into a room in a pub, unventilated with everyone smoking, must be very unpleasant for a non-smoker, to say the least. Compare that with some old geezer sitting in a large bar, away from everyone having a couple of fags as he does the crossword.


Similarly, compare the person who tootles off in the tiny ' green ' car on a genuine errand of mercy with the 4x4 motorists who use their vehicle purely for pleasure or leisure.You have to consider ALL the angles.


With the pleasure drivers, there's not only the effect they have on the street but imagine how much pollution goes into their manafacture ...........similarly with all cases. Consider the negative effects that pleasure-driving has had on all our towns and cities and villages over the years.......reductions in public transport, disappearance of whole neighbourhoods........etc.....


With drinking alcohol-------how much crime is committed in connection with alcohol------most of it I guess and vis-a vis illegal drugs. How many deaths and injuries on the roads ? How many days lost at work ? How many marriages broken up ?


Pace---------gambling , over-eating .......and so on.


What smokers are surprised by is the sheer venom and poison that spews forth, very often, from the anti-smoking brigade , which seems completely out of proportion to the amount of damage that smoking causes compared to other ' anti-social ' activities . Of course, a lot of people in the U.K. are increasingly becoming control freaks and hand-wavers so I suppose that accounts for part of the over-reaction. I'm guessing [ but could be wrong ] that another aspect is class. The biggest proportion of smokers belongs to the lower income groups or ' working-class ' people who have very little power in the media so are natural victims.


I suppose once the smokers have been, more or less, outlawed, the media and the Good and the Great will turn their attention elsewhere . Good luck, those of you who still live in Nanny-land !

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regards the heroin in the pub issue, i don't use gear but if a person chooses to inject it or snort rather than smoke it, why should they not be allowed to do so, it causes no harm to others.

i can see that passive smoke may harm others but the amount of harm is not so great. at first i was totally opposed to the ban, now i can see that there is a demand for non smoking pubs. a total ban is OTT and i will flout this (as i do the ban on smoking cannabis in public places/in general). there will still be a demand for smoking type pubs/cafes etc.

it should be that there is a choice of smoking/non smoking, this can benefit all peoples. the way things are going is that your smokers are going to be treat as lower class citizens, and confined to the "cannon" enviroment.

It may be that an increase in "cannon" establishments occurs because the soon to be taboo act of smoking will provide a "smokescreen" for blatantly immoral illegal activities.

Laws should be emplaced to create harmony between peoples not to enforce segregation.

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