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Smoking ban for public places - Opinions

Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?  

266 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you looking forward to the smoking ban?

    • Yes, I will welcome it
    • No, I am dreading it
    • Don't know/care

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Anybody up for a "Park Drive"?


It's a bit like what the taxis did last year (slow drive through and around Sheffield), but doing so in our own cars, whilst smoking some cigarettes (let's face it, they'll be banning them from every public place soon, so we'll either have to smoke in the house, car or garden):D.


We know it doesn't take much to create gridlock:hihi::evil:.

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Anybody up for a "Park Drive"?


It's a bit like what the taxis did last year (slow drive through and around Sheffield), but doing so in our own cars, whilst smoking some cigarettes (let's face it, they'll be banning them from every public place soon, so we'll either have to smoke in the house, car or garden):D.


We know it doesn't take much to create gridlock:hihi::evil:.


Or, you could just stop being an antisocial, immature prick and stop foisting smoke on the rest of us that both the public majority and the law have said in no uncertain terms that they don't want.

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Or, you could just stop being an antisocial, immature prick and stop foisting smoke on the rest of us that both the public majority and the law have said in no uncertain terms that they don't want.



OOooooh. Hark at her:hihi::rolleyes:.

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alcohol only affects the health of the user.


well, directly , yes, that's true, but I think you'd have a hard time convincing any of the thousands of people in the UK who are hospitalised by drunken violence, drink drivers....


by the way, I agree with the smoking ban, it will help me and many others to finally quit once and for all.


and then, we're going to watch as drinking alcohol is villified, made socially unacceptable, and finally banned :)

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Can I please insist that you all stop driving your cars as the fumes make my dad cough


i wish for you all to stop eating currys or food with garlic in as it makes the pub smell and the amount of nose wrinkling i have to do is causing premature aging of my face.


A pub i was in the other week has a very nasty accident when a couple of men playing pool shot the ball of the table which hit someone on the head, he was ok but he could have died. No more pool in pubs please and just in case it may be best to ban the darts and you can get a nasty paper cut from playing cards, ban all games in pubs.


I trod in some dog crap once and i found it very offensive, i respect that most dog owners pick up after there dogs but some dont, i suggest a ban on all dogs unless they are kept inside your own homes at all times.


Alchohol is the main cause of nightly fights in town, car crashes, hit and runs, speeding and many other offences, I propose a total ban on drinking in pubs.


I think this is only fair to all of those people who dont drive, drink, own dogs, eat spicy foods.

And one more point, if anyone says 'fresh air' they are saddly mistaken because forcing us onto the street to smoke and breath in the petrol fumes all night long is going to kill us but i dont hear any complaints about that because we all drive cars and if we all smoked no one would moan about that either.


When you walk past me with your baby in a pram I dont lean over and puff in its face but when you stand at the traffic lights with your baby on eye level to all the exhaust fumes literally pumping straight into their lung no one minds??


Passive smoking is an invention to get more money out of insurance companies when loved ones die due to the fumes in the air, all around us and above us.


At the moment i pay £5 a day for my ciggies and I smoke them, in a few years time when we are all healthy none smokers we will all pay the extra taxes that will have to be added onto everything to make up the loss. It will be cheaper for me but the none smokers will suffer through their pockets instead of their lungs.


And what exactly are we going to do when someone lights up in a pub? call the police? well they have nothing better to do I spose as all the real killers are walking the streets, why dont we put some of this energy into changing a few laws that really do effect peoples lives, like our justice system!!!! but that wouldnt be quite so easy would it?



Very well said.

What i want to know is just how on earth are they going to police this.

For example

You may smoke in your own home.

But you cant smoke in your own home if you work from home. How stupid is this. What are they going to do, are they going to put a police officer on every street and road in the uk walking up and down looking in every window on the street 24 hours a day, i dont think so. So that means if i work from home and smoke at home also i will be breaking the law. But who is going to see me doing it. Stupid.:loopy: :loopy: :loopy: :loopy:


Lets picture the scene. (I wont do this by the way) But just picture it.


Im stood at a bus stop for instance smoking,

then either a police officer or council officer whoever walk past and says you cant smoke there so can you put it out please,

i then say no,

he or she then says well i will have to give you a on the spot fine of lets say £50,

i then say fair enough but i wont pay it,

they then say ok it will have to go to court,

i say ok,

i go to court and get fined lets say £1000 plus court costs,

i then say fair enough im still not paying so what are you going to do now,

they say we will send you to prison then,

i say ok you can smoke in prison.

It kinda defeats the objective dosent it. Besides the prisons are already to full to house illegal smokers. They are having to throw out murderers because they are too full.


Can you imagine it, your in prison and a murderer or bank robber says "what you in for then" and you say "smoking a cigarette"......


It seems to me that the government have not got a clue what they are doing.:loopy: :loopy: :loopy: :loopy:

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  • 4 months later...
since the smoking ban, i smoke more as i feel i have to cram them in as i dont like being stood outside in the cold.

I didn't set out to stop going to pubs, but from 2 or 3 times a week before, I now only go to event nights. Just lost interest in going anymore.

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Well, I've just enjoyed my last night smoking in a pub.


I'm working up until the ban starts, so was my last chance tonight in my local. And out of the 14 of us in the pub, there was one person looking forward to the ban.


Enjoy the pubs non smokers!


Oh indeed we do enjoy it. The majority at last have the right to a smokefree environment

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