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The all things tattoo megathread

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Branded? I'm curious whats that then? :confused:


Depends on the technique used. Some take a small piece of metal, heat it in a blow torch till it glows, then burn the design in with a series of strikes. Others use an electro-cautery pen, which gives a similar appearance with lot more control. Either way, you basically burn yourself really badly, then irritate the wound for a couple of weeks while its healing, and it leaves you with a scar in the design of your choice. Havent done it personally, but wouldnt mind trying it. Its technically ABH in this country though, so there arent many who will offer it.

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Depends on the technique used. Some take a small piece of metal, heat it in a blow torch till it glows, then burn the design in with a series of strikes. Others use an electro-cautery pen, which gives a similar appearance with lot more control. Either way, you basically burn yourself really badly, then irritate the wound for a couple of weeks while its healing, and it leaves you with a scar in the design of your choice. Havent done it personally, but wouldnt mind trying it. Its technically ABH in this country though, so there arent many who will offer it.

Isn't there a chemical technique too?

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Isn't there a chemical technique too?


There is, but the results are unpredictable at best, and its hard to get any sort of consistency, so its not used very often. You can also cut the design into the skin with a scalpel, and get a nice raised scar that way.

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You can also cut the design into the skin with a scalpel, and get a nice raised scar that way.


I saw this on bme the other day, there's a fair few photos showing the process of a woman having flowers (either cherry blossom or lotus flowers, as thats what I was searching for when I came across it:) ) done across her stomach!!

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Rachel19, if your boyfriend has a fairly common name, then there's a reasonable chance that even if you do break up, you could find another bloke with the same name. Or it might be OK if he's got a name that could be touched up into another name (cheaper than tattoo removel), e.g. if he was called Clive, it shouldn't be too tricky to turn into Dave, Tim into Tom or Ian into Brian.


He's called Steve shortfor Stephen


You should be all right then. If you break up, you could either get another boyfriend called Steve, or find one with the surname 'Stevens'. Failing that, you could always develop an affinity for Stevenage Town FC.

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