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The all things tattoo megathread

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My OH swears that your plane is a Gloucester Gladiator- blame his years in the air cadets.


My big one's already on this thread somewhere I'm sure- I'll go and have a look.


Its a fairy swordfish :D My granddads the guy in the back, he used to be a rear gunner, its an exact copy of his painting of the pane he flew in. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and thankfully so is my tattooist :hihi:

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Its beautiful :love:


And it's a lot bigger now! The flames were added freehand by Quoz, and the lotus blossom represents everything from lost love to reincarnation in a number of faiths- perfect symbollism for me.


My phoenix was to represent me rising up out of the ashes of my cancer, so it's appropriate that shaw is the flames supporting my wings.


This was taken the day that the flames were added, so there are still blood spots all over the place, but this is my finished leg.

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You are obviously happy paying for the services you recieve from your usual place of business (or charging them - if you happen to work there) and my clients are happy to pay for what they recieve from me. I am not prepared to enter debate with you as to my pricing (which incidentally, is ultimately not down to me), although I believe our prices are in line with other reputable studios around the country, and I am certainly not prepared to discuss my competancy as a professional piercer with you. I have nothing to prove and franky you're opinion matters little to me. What does concern me is how I rate to my clients.


To be fair to all parties why do people not shop around and i dont mean for jus price difference . im sure you are good at your trade however rather than debate prices wich i agree are probebly on par with other studios it might be an idea to give people an idea of what they get for there money instead of goin on the deffensive about how compitent you may or may not be ....

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And it's a lot bigger now! The flames were added freehand by Quoz, and the lotus blossom represents everything from lost love to reincarnation in a number of faiths- perfect symbollism for me.


My phoenix was to represent me rising up out of the ashes of my cancer, so it's appropriate that shaw is the flames supporting my wings.


This was taken the day that the flames were added, so there are still blood spots all over the place, but this is my finished leg.


Good god those flames are awesome :D its so pretty. I just got back from having some more done on my tribal 'spruce up' it looks fabulous :hihi:

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