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lol naughty,


it weren't my fault, i was extremly drunk :hihi: it didn't even happen in the reflex, i got arrested outside for having a punch up and i even got bottled but im the one who gets arrested, tsk tsk.


if i promise to always have mi tattoo's at your place and refer mi mates aswell could you swing it for me so i can get back in?

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It was nothing like as bad as I thought it would be. I had a "sharp intake of breath" a couple of times, when the artist was doing the outline, (apparently the outline is the "worst bit") the rest (colouring-in) is a doddle.


I was told that's because the outline is typically done with a single needle, to make it sharp. ANd we all know that that means more pressure on a single point.


The colouring in is then done with a rig with multiple needles, spreading out the pressure and making the pain less, plus, it's focusing on small areas at a time and there's a dispersion of nerves...


I certainly experienced that when having my biggest tat, can't remember for the first one, but with the second the outlining on some of the longer sweeps was pretty unpleasant. Colouring in was fine, sat and had a nice chat through it...

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Until they hit a boney bit or a bit of sensitive skin (like on your ribs or the inside of your arm), then it hurts, it realy hurts. I've seen grown men nearly crying having their back and various other places done.


Well I had one done by Steve at Inkredible and i had one on the inside of my forearm and the only part that hurt a little bit was the inch that was near the inside of my elbow, all the rest was fine. Should be back for another one this week.

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I think it very much depends on the person, and I've heard also that women, in general, do better than men on the pain side.


The worse place for me has been my lower back, not the pain so much but it tickles like mad and i just can't seem to stay still, which as you tattooists will know is not very good :roll: Its got to the stage now where, after sitting for six hours in total I still can't sit still and am considering having 'hammertop' on before my next session.


In general everywhere else I find it a really pleasant way to pass a couple of hours, its a bit sharp and nips around the armpit area and around the chest it can feel like you can't breath in places.


My fave sensations when getting done are when they hit a nerve and you a sensation in another part of your body, like when I had my arm done there was one spot which made my fingers twitch (which were on the tattooists lap!).

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Well I had one done by Steve at Inkredible and i had one on the inside of my forearm and the only part that hurt a little bit was the inch that was near the inside of my elbow, all the rest was fine. Should be back for another one this week.



glad u like it pal hope to see u this week sumtime cheers for feedbck

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