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The all things tattoo megathread

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Ummm got a couple of ideas but i'm not sure yet so i'm gonna have a little look online then if i cant find owt pop into a shop :D


Good plan :D get the general idea then get a tattooist to do you a sketch and advise you on what is and isn't possible. No hasty decisions, I've had to have a couple covered up 'cos of not thinking it through properly :suspect:

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Good plan :D get the general idea then get a tattooist to do you a sketch and advise you on what is and isn't possible. No hasty decisions, I've had to have a couple covered up 'cos of not thinking it through properly :suspect:


I shall think it through before i do go ahead :D

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I'm not being mardy or power happy scottwoodbur- I'm simply trying to say that in 46 pages of this thread you've got your message across enough. This thread was intended for users of tattoo studios to recommend tattooists, rather than tattoo businesses to push their services. Of course you think that you're good- or you wouldn't be doing it.


I'm planning on getting another tattoo, but I won't be going there.

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I'm planning on getting another tattoo, but I won't be going there.


not a problem, it seems silly that people think u can over advertise. no matter how successful a business is u can never under advertise. yes i do mention my studio a lot but in answer to peoples questions. if a forum user asks wot studios are about then why ami wrong fetching mine to attention.


as for plain talker not a prob hope u find the tattooist u r happy with ,. thanks

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Whats it feel like having a tattoo on the botton half of your arm(inside section)??


I have had one on my leg on it wasnt painful but scratchy, is it the same feeling or more painful??




I've not got one there, but from what I've seen of others having it done its quite tender because of the thinner skin. Don't imagine it'd be terrible though.

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Whats it feel like having a tattoo on the botton half of your arm(inside section)??


I have had one on my leg on it wasnt painful but scratchy, is it the same feeling or more painful??




I've got one there, it was my first tattoo aswel, didn't really hurt much at all. There was one tiny section that I could 'feel' more than the rest, but it wasn't bad at all.

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although you make a good point nick2 its not nessesarily true for everyone but its a good idea not to have a tattoo after a skinfull as alcohol thins the blood (so you bleed more )

but like i said people are different, i thought the inside of the forearm was fine but i know people that werent happy about having a tattoo there at all .


what im trying to say is you wont know till you tried it .

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I think last time I went I had a bit too much work done, 3 hours of line work can make you a bit irritable, and I'm sure that after about an hour your skin becomes more sensitive.

Mostly colouring in next time, so that will be a doddle, for me anyway.

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