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The all things tattoo megathread

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I'm sorry, but you are 17 and anyone tattooing you is breaking the law and is likely to get their licence withdrawn.


I wouldn't want to go to anyone who is prepared to break the code of conduct that badly.

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they are aloud to tattoo you with parental permission and i will have that !!!

1969 tattooing of minors act,its illegal to tattoo anyone under the age of 18,parental consent doesn,t override the law,however,its really hard to enforce because so many kids look a lot older , i was underage when i had my 1st tattoo above 30 years ago,so i really cant preach to you,luckily,i never regretted mine,my daughter is a similar age to you,she keeps asking for one done,but knowing about the above act and the implications for the tattooist AND the parents,she has decided to wait until she is 18.

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they are aloud to tattoo you with parental permission and i will have that !!!


No they are not!!! It's against the law until you are 18, letter or not, mother and father stood with you, with video footage of your birth as proof they are your parents, It's breaking the law and anybody prepared to break that law shouldn't be allowed to continue in the business! You are still a minor and need to wait till of the so called legal adult age.


Also without be horrible as i make them myself, when you are old enough to have a tattoo, please check if you choose to have any writing as it's Allowed not Aloud!

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1969 tattooing of minors act,its illegal to tattoo anyone under the age of 18,parental consent doesn,t override the law,however,its really hard to enforce because so many kids look a lot older , i was underage when i had my 1st tattoo above 30 years ago,so i really cant preach to you,luckily,i never regretted mine,my daughter is a similar age to you,she keeps asking for one done,but knowing about the above act and the implications for the tattooist AND the parents,she has decided to wait until she is 18.


Exactly, It would surly be far more adult to go when you are of legal age. You are then not able to regret it and turn it on your parents etc. It also gives you time to chose something you really want, it's simple to pick another persons tattoo, but you could print of and take different parts of several tatto's trace them and make up something totally unique to you, as i did.

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ive had a tattoo done before and the person i was going to is a licesend. my other tattoo was done by a pro and he still did it on me when i was 16 and that one is fine. anywhere u go to get a tattoo is a risk.


What do you mean by anywhere you go is a risk? where did you go originally? Where is your tattoo, are you aware how painful it is to have a tatto over your rib area? You look very slim on your Avatar, so no fat, but plenty of bone area. The 2nd is by far as another said the nicest, but you may change your mind by the time you are 18. List things you like and put these into Google images and see what comes up, you could find something to really suit and express you!

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Quite apart from any other advice that has been given to you L3ANN3x, tattoos of stars are as trendy now as chinese symbols were a few years ago. The problem with having any trendy tattoo is that they are really hard to get rid of when the trends change and I know a number of people who had chinese symbols tattooed a few years ago who now wish that they had had something more original and less trend-driven done, since they are going to have to live with it for the rest of their life.

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Quite apart from any other advice that has been given to you L3ANN3x, tattoos of stars are as trendy now as chinese symbols were a few years ago. The problem with having any trendy tattoo is that they are really hard to get rid of when the trends change and I know a number of people who had chinese symbols tattooed a few years ago who now wish that they had had something more original and less trend-driven done, since they are going to have to live with it for the rest of their life.


true i suppose xx mines one of good old micky mouse bless him i love him and hell will never grow out of fashion

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