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Body Art Glossary Definition - preparation H hemorrhoid ointment



Definition: A medical product made for the relief of hemorrhoids - swellings of anal tissue. This product is <b>not</b> recommended for tattoo aftercare, regardless of what some friend of a friend may tell you. And if any tattooist recommends this stuff to treat a tattoo, I would strongly recommend you find another tattooist.




Furthermore, while phenylmercuric nitrate may have antiseptic

properties (similar to mercurichrome or tincture of iodine; neither of

which should be used on fresh tattoos) it possesses very little anti-

infective properties when compared to traditional antibacterial agents

(neosporin, baccitracin, etc.). Its use in such low quantities in

Preperation-H is possibly as a preservative (Facts and Comparisons,

1995, p. 540).

The active ingredient of Preparation-H is the skin respiratory factor

and this does nothing to relieve the itching and/or swelling associated

with a new tattoo. In fact, it is best to simply keep the area moist

and clean and to avoid picking the scabs or 'onion skin peel' that

develop--and refrain from using Preparation-H. Not only will it NOT

help your tattoo, it will actually probably do more harm than good. The

product was developed for hemorrhoidal tissue only.




Her best anecdote was how a woman she had tattooed called her early the next morning complaining that the tattoo had fallen off. She came in, and to my friend's disbelief, the tattoo had actually been rejected! Long story short- if you get a tattoo, make sure the ointment you spread all over it ISN'T preparation H!




One word of caution - if your friends or associates recommend some "off the wall" regimen or product for your new body art, use common sense. No, Preparation H is not good for tattoos, and no, letting your friend pierce you with a cork and sewing needle is not a good idea.


I could only find a couple of places that did recommend using it,

I found hundreds that advised against it.

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i used savlon cream on my 1st then a moisturiser at night. But with the rest i found that puttin baby lotion on it gave it loadsa moisture and made my skin feel really supple plus it made the scab really thin and it came of in tiny chunks. i always find that no matter what i use it always itches tho :-(

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When i had the one on my back, i had to go back to the tattooist 3 times, first time i coudlnt cope with the pain, so they did half and told me to come back, second time when they were doing the other side i was sick :gag: all over i was in that much pain, then third time i had to go and get it filled in (again) because i had pciked the scab as it was that big (the scab) i thought it was infected! i could hardly bend my back!

The other 2 didnt hurt as much but by 'eck they hurt! The tattooist's all know me now and always say hello, when i go into the tattooists like if my bloke is having one done, they always say "Ohhhh noooo shes back" lmao :hihi:

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Originally posted by scarby

had a tattoo done yeaterday, anyways, i wuz jus wonderin' wo to put on it. few people told me to use savlon, which i aint got. others said "good old vaseline, thats wot yer want", its

propa burnin me, any advice would be appreciated, i can take the pain of it, but i heard that if ya dont treat it, the scab takes some of the ink with it, and thus lookin stupid.

Jeez Louise! Going off topic here but... did you even get to your english language lessons?! Are you old enough to legally get a tat?! :suspect:


Anyway, back on topic.. you bunch of wet flannels...! :P Take some regular pain killers i.e ibuprofen if you really find it too uncomfortable. Don't pick the scab - bye-bye colour, if you do - and try to keep it moist/supple by using some kind of moisturiser on it, especially after bathing.

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had it done on me right shoulder missgobby :clap:


and tut tut tut, ofcourse i took propa english lessons

jus dint pay much attention;)


anywayz, bought some savlon from the chemist earlier

and seems to be ok, aint had the urge to scratch

or itch or anythin'


ta for the replies anyway:)

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