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The all things tattoo megathread

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Hi guys,Dave here from Van Schaicks tattoo studio in Hillsborough.Just joined Forum and wanna say,"we really aint that bad and were not as scary as we look" Im new to this forum thing so might be slow replying to you,but will eventually!take it easy guys,,,,later!
Dave... Dude... dont tell lies.... your as ugly as they come mate:D:D:D




give us a buzz mate when the new tats ready for me to av a look at...:thumbsup:

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Can anyone give me an idea of the cost of a small yellow rose bid on my shoulder - probably no bigger than an inch or so? Thanks in advance.


Hi there, Im not a tattooist (wish I was lol), but as a guesstimate I would say approx 20 pounds, dependant on were you go to.

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actually i have to also recommend guy (madcreature) hes an absolute star!!


amazing at custom stuff and by far one of the most entertaining people in the world to talk to.



Realised it's Guy who's done all my bro-in-laws tattoos so popping along on Saturday when he books another appt :)

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Can anyone give me an idea of the cost of a small yellow rose bid on my shoulder - probably no bigger than an inch or so? Thanks in advance.


You'll probably find that your tattoo is subject to the studio's minimum cost, which is usually the equivalent of half an hour's cost (so depending on the studio could be £20-£30).


If it's very detailed then it could cost more though.

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Does anyone know if any of the tattoists in Sheffield do UV tattoos?


Unless the law has changed recently the use of the ink used for UV tattoos is illegal in this country. I do know of someone who has some, but I'm not likely to tell you their name if the ink is illegal.

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Unless the law has changed recently the use of the ink used for UV tattoos is illegal in this country. I do know of someone who has some, but I'm not likely to tell you their name if the ink is illegal.


I read they they had some rather nasty side-effects which resulted in them being banned, anywhere that uses them should be avoided IMO.

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