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The all things tattoo megathread

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Originally posted by missb

It's my birthday in a couple of weeks and I was considering getting a tattoo. I want something tasteful and no bigger than a 50p piece. Any suggestions. How much am I likely to pay for one.


Why not go for a twenty pence piece?


If they charge you anything more than 20p you're being done.



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I think there are 2 kinds of people regarding tattoos. Some have them done and want to show them off and others hide them. Before having my tattoo done over 5 years ago, I put on my smallest bikini bottom, drew a line with a pen on either side of the knickers, went to tattoo parlour and told the guy: please do the tattoo between those 2 lines, it musn't cross the lines!

In the end I've got something I can cover, which is important to me as at the time I was s**t scared of my dad and he would have killed me if he knew. My mom called me stupid when I showed her the first time and said "What will it look like when you're pregnant? It will strech". She's cool with it now and even told me it looks nice. What she doesn't know is that I had a dragon done because it's her chinese sign and I wanted something to remind me of her.

I'm happy with it but don't wish to have any more tattoos done.

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