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The all things tattoo megathread

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If you call them up they'll tell you their hourly rate- when I was last in there it was £60 an hour, but that was a few years ago so it may have changed since then.


There's no way that anybody can tell you what they would charge for 'a tattoo' because that could be anything from a little star on someone's neck to a full back piece which takes many sittings.

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If you call them up they'll tell you their hourly rate- when I was last in there it was £60 an hour, but that was a few years ago so it may have changed since then.


There's no way that anybody can tell you what they would charge for 'a tattoo' because that could be anything from a little star on someone's neck to a full back piece which takes many sittings.


Me and a friend went in last week to get quotes for very different tattoo's, i wanted a music piece on my rib about the size of a pop can, he wanted two full sleeves, and we both got quoted £70 an hour, if the design is only small they give set design prices rather than hourly quotes


Hope it helps

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why would people want a cheap tattoo done at a cheap rate? theres usually a reason for people been cheap, they are either complete <removed> or no where near a city centre. i think that people should definatly be prepared to pay whatever it is at the standard going rate which most places is about £70. My next tattoo will cost about £280-350 and im happy to pay that cos i know im getting a great artist in the city centre after checking out their work. Not only that its on me for the rest of my life. Not meaning it funny or anything to you just stating a fact, hope it looks nice. I have a lily and star on my foot :) xx


Well half my fb friends aint a problem with it lol

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About £20-£30, got mine done ( tattooist abroad now ) don't let them tell you it can't be done, will wear off etc, had mine 4 year now and it looks like new, and I work in construction so my hands get hammered every day..

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About £20-£30, got mine done ( tattooist abroad now ) don't let them tell you it can't be done, will wear off etc, had mine 4 year now and it looks like new, and I work in construction so my hands get hammered every day..


Cheers :D:D:D:D:D:D

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