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The all things tattoo megathread

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Using a 'numbing' product might give you unrealistic expectations about how much, or how little, it will hurt. Which might make the actual pain feel worse...


I had my ribs tattooed, and whilst it was about the most difficult tattoo I've had, I completed the work over a couple of sittings, and survived perfectly well. If you're 'only' going for back and shoulders it won't be anything like so bad :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi all , does anyone know where in Sheffield I can get TAXPAYING MUG tattooed across my forehead - either in Gothic or New Times Roman , and does anyone do a size 12 font , as I have quite a narrow forehead ?

Thanks .


Or would it cost extra to have TAXPAYING MUGS in plural ? Just one extra letter , but the needles might be hurting by then !


would like a tattoo that says " Rich are getting richer , poor are getting poorer" any suggestions , good folks of Sheffield ?




Having recently watched "They Live " am fancying a resistance tattoo , something that shows a single figure salute to the t&%ts that allegedly run this country. Top of left shoulder , can anybody tattoo me some decent rods ???





There's an I'm bored section elsewhere on the forum.

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