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The all things tattoo megathread

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I agree with DaBouncer, its happened to my parents and there is NOTHING worse than seeing a girl bend over and some blokes name scrawled on her backside. Pointless, you dont need to do that just to tell someone that you love them. Save your cash. Only my opinion though!


Aye, I saw a girl when I was back home, with the ugliest tattoo I've ever seen....she had 'Kevin' written quite big on her upper arm :gag::loopy:

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Do you get what i mean cause that is the only way i can describe it....


It feels like having a needle dragged across your skin.....which is exactly what it is. But unless you have actually done that you can't imagine how that feels. To say it isn't painful would be lying because it does hurt. Its not an unbearable pain though (for most) and you do get used to it after the first couple of minutes. Personally I get a huge buzz (pardon the pun) from being tattooed. Unless you've experienced it it's very hard to imagine the feeling.

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You should be all right then. If you break up, you could either get another boyfriend called Steve, or find one with the surname 'Stevens'. Failing that, you could always develop an affinity for Stevenage Town FC.


lol :hihi:

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