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Why do people stand in the same place in the pub???


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I guess it is because you feel safe. Maybe not but its a thought (sp?).

yes this is what my partner has said :) but do you stand near people you think may like you or are not a threat to you

but how does that work in a pub you have never been to before??

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Its all about TERRITORY! There is a fascinating book called THE TERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE, a classic social psychology work, and it is well recommended as a light read! IT will explain an awful lot about why we feel the need to establish and protect our own 'territory', pretty much the same as animals. The only difference is that we dont urinate in our preferred spots to 'mark it out'...well at least I don't anyway!!!!

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Its all about TERRITORY! There is a fascinating book called THE TERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE, a classic social psychology work, and it is well recommended as a light read! IT will explain an awful lot about why we feel the need to establish and protect our own 'territory', pretty much the same as animals. The only difference is that we dont urinate in our preferred spots to 'mark it out'...well at least I don't anyway!!!!

can i pea in that bit by the door where i sit then ;)

oh yes thanks 4 the new maiden on sat night :thumbsup: you star :)

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I just find a comfortable spot. E.g. If im eating, i hate being near a window or in the middle of the room, so will always look for a corner ! In a pub, i normally try and stand/sit near the loos.

yes most girls are like that my partner spends half the night in there the loo that is she said all you lot talk in the loo i would luv to know what you say in there :confused:

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This one is really simple.............because you can.


The wife often asks me, why are you always messing with your bits.....because I can


Why does a dog lick its bo11ocks......because it can


Why does GW Bush keep bombing ****ty countries.....because he can (and that dumb ass Americans keep voting him in)


Sorry about the politics, but the answer remains


Because you can!

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Nice question, never thought of it before, but quite correct in my case, I tend to head straight my usual seats.


And when I worked in a club that had 5 bars (2000 capacity), I saw the same people every week at my bar. (although that was probably due to my incredible serving speed or good looks:love: :hihi:)


and GF your mates know where to find you..


Could be onto something there, for the slightly older *cough* generation. Before mobeys, on a pub crawl, we all new which pub and at what time we would be there. And you joined when you could, and of course we'd all stand in the same place.

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