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Ever had a premonition ?

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Not for a long time but as an adolescent, I used to get them all the time and huge feelings of deja vu. I'm too cynical now.


My gran gets feelings that people are going to die. She gets a massive sense of dread and smells flowers... you could say it's all the old people she knows... well she's had this feeling about people in their forties! She's also had dreams. My great grandmother used to get it all the time before she died.

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I have them all the time and it scares people. I've told one of my friends that he will die at my hands and he now thinks he's invincible to everything but me. The weirdest one was a few years ago I was sat on my balcony (I lived on the 11th floor)and said to some of my friends I think we're going to have a jumper soon, I've just got that feeling. About a week later a young man jumped from two floors above me.

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i have had a few but not many. the main one i had was realy seeing people that were not there but only through the tv screen when we had a surveillance camera up and it was dark and i saw people that were not there


nobody i knew thought it was weired then one day i saw my hubby laid down as if a sleep among all these people was worried he was out at the time and was glad when he came home few months later he was diagnosed with cancer then died but is death was just like the picture in the screen him laid down on his bed with lots of people around him


my mum as had more premonitions than me she knew when my gran was going to die [my dads mum] she went to hospital to see her as she told someone she would not be here after 4 oclock that afternoon and she died right on 4 oclock

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i have had dreams that have become a reality.


nothing major like predicting a death or illness etc, more mundane things im afraid, like knowing what is going to happen next when chatting to someone.


the one that sticks most in my mind is the dream i had of my baby when i was pregnant. i had a dream of delivering my daughter, it panned out exactly as my dream predicted and my daughter was EXACTLY as i had dreamed.

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My Mum gets them all the time. One morning she came downstairs and my Dad was sat on the lav. She started telling him about a dream she had had the night before. It was really gruesome, about a young girl dying called Sarah. My Dad opened the toilet door and showed her the front page on the newspaper. It was when Sarah Payne had been found. My Mum just started crying. Sorry to be morbid.

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