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Sheffield International Venues (Sheffield Arena)


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Why are you allowed a two (Supa) pint plastic cup of lager, but not cider?


Why does the arena now insist you remove the bottle top off of the bottle of water?


..............so instead of putting the bottle it in your pocket to aid carrying it back to your seat, there is no lid, this is not possible, so have to struggle, and risk dropping all because you also have to hold the four pints of cider you have just bought after being refused access to a two pint pot).


This rant could also include prices, queues, car parking, bag searches etc etc.


Is the Arena interested in customer sevice or do they totally rely on the entertainment (which people have already paid good money for) to prevent people from complaining about their total inadequacies in looking after it's good paying (loyal) customers.

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Unfortunately I dont think it is any different at other Arenas in any town I have been to concerts in several cities (Manchester, Birmingham & London ) they are all ripping off the customers with the bar prices. Of course they want to search you as they dont want anyone to have their own drink on them but use the excuse of looking for weapons etc.


I have to say that the most expensive bar I have ever been to was at the Manchester Apollo who where (and probably still are) charging £6.00 for a pint of bitter!


My own personal annoyance at these places is the parking fees they charge it should be FREE you have already paid a huge amount of money for the tickets plus several booking fees on top surely they could let you park for free.

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I wouldn't mind half as much, but half of the time you 'actually' get the volume of liquid in your 'squeeze your pint toward the ceiling' plastic container, and the other half of the time the response is, "Nope. The price is for a can."


Now call me picky, or just plain alcoholic, but if I'm paying for a pint, I want a pint, not 440ml. Hip flasks are the way forward.

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