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Millhouses baths


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Didnt there used to be a swimming pool at Millhouses, next to the lido?


Havent been to millhouses for quite some time now. Used to take the kids when they were little.


The Lido itself was an open-air swimming pool, (well, there were two pools, really, a shallow one, more like a paddling pool, only about 2' or 2'6 deep, and a deeper pool for swimming in,) then beside the Lido, nearer the river, there were a series of paddling pools.


Behind the Lido, in front of the cafe, there was a boating lake. (which I think is still there:- it's about 10 yrs since I last went to Millhouses park.)

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We could get a ticket from the teacher to get into the baths, I used to go to Heeley baths and played water polo for Oak Street swimming club when they were short of a player, I wasn't a member though.


I never knew Millhouses as a Lido, it was always Millhouses Baths, it had a very high diving board. A pal of mine at Derbyshire Lane School had never been to the baths before and couldn't swim but he jumped from the top board, nearly drowned because he fell nearly flat, two of us dragged him to the steps and a lifeguard lifted him out. I wonder where that mad bugger is now, his second name was Cooper.

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My Dad was the superintendant at Millhouses for many years, interupted by his service during the war. The baths were originally just on pool it was about three times larger than an Olympic sized pool. The water for the pool was continuously bled in from the river, through filter beds and a chlorination system, so yes it was cold, but it was the only pool where you could not detect the chlorine in the water, it was like swimming in a mountain lake. Dad would continuously fiddle with the chlorine addition to maintain this condition

There was a scare during the polio epidemic in Sheffield, probably late 1940's, it was rumoured that the pool used raw water and was threatened with closure, I remember the water was tested by the "Officials" and it was found to be spot on so the pool remained open.

Millhouses Pool hosted a swimming club named "The Spartans", to qualify as a member one had to swim at about 6am every day of the year. For many years the Telegraph and Star used to publish photos of the ice being broken fot the Spartan dip. Dad left the pool in 1949 some time after that the pool underwent major reconstruction and was made into two separate pools and renamed the Lido. On my last visit the area of the pool was a disgraceful mess and all the pools had been filled in and landscaped.

I retain my fond memories of the way it was, when during the school holidays there was entertainment in a bandstand right outside the Poll entrance and the remaider of the park was pristine.

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The area in Millhouses Park where the Lido used to be is now a skate board park and childrens play area . The series of paddling pools which were a little further up the park are now (in fact have been for a number of years) in a disgraceful state, really filthy and an eyesore.

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People often ask why I don't go back to Sheffield to live and the answer is easy, It isn't Sheffield anymore, it's a dump, kids runnung around wild, filth so deep the causeway can't be seen. I'm 77 now, a couple of years ago I went to Meadowhall just to see this marvel of modern architecture and went into the food hall for a cuppa, it was packed but I managed to get two seats at the end of a table. There was a few bits and pieces of clothing on the table but nobody seated. It was not long before my wife I were assaulted with foul language by the mother of a young girl who had a baby since according to her young kids with babies take precedence over old codgers.


Sheffield second mellenium style you can keep.

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The paddling pools along-side the river that everyone says are an eyesore are due to change. According to the Parks and Recreation department there is talk of them being turned into a fish ladder. I wasn't sure what that was and so had to ask, basically it's so the fish don't have to struggle up that weir on the river. They are supposed to be having a meeting in the park to discuss plans and options which I really hope they'll publicise in good time.

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