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Dog poo dog poo everywhere!

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in my local neighbourhood we have a family who own a dog but who don't bother taking him for walks. the issue i have with this is that the dog uses the pavement in front of the house as a toilet. everyday without exception the pavement is littered with more piles of doogie doo. i have to dodge the stuff which is easy by day but much harder in the dark. i am totally fed up with having to clean the dirt from my kids shoes because they haven't managed to avoid the stuff.


my dilema is what to do about it, the way i see it i have several different options.


1. give the dog a good kicking when i next see it. however im not into animal cruelty so i will give this a miss.


2. knock on the door and ask nicely if they can stop their dog from fouling the footpath.


3. knock on the door and threaten them if it carries on i will report them to the council.


4. report them to the environmental department of the city council.


5. get a pair of disposable gloves and a tesco carrier and post the dog dirt back through their letterbox. they might then get the message.


which method would you choose if this was happenning in your area?.

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Id go with option 2. You have nothing to loose by talking to them? If that fails,id go with a variation of option 5.Rather than post it,simply leave the poo on their property?

Poor dog. Way too many people get a dog,then never exercise them.This,to me,is abuse. :(

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Poor dog :( .


I'd go for the polite but firm approach. Discuss it with them. If you don't have any joy doing that, then report them to the appropriate council department. Not sure how it works in Sheffield, but where I am, there are contact details on the dog poo bins.


I wouldn't go for option 5. You don't want to antagonize them and risk them shoving the dog poo back through your letter box, or taking it out on the poor dog.

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Option 5 with slight variation.

1.Paper bag full of s**t left on doorstep after being set on fire.

2.Ring doorbell.


Automatic reaction is to stamp on the fire to put it out.:hihi:

Then sit back thinking its not you cleaning the shoes this time!!:thumbsup:

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Yeah, go talk to em in the first instance IMHO, but if they don't appreciate you going round just walk away don't let em wind you up. The sort of people who don't exercise and care for their own dog aren't usually the sort of people who you can have a reasoned conversation with - but you should try anyway. I take it that as the dog does it's doo doo in the street it is left to roam most of the day?

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