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Dog poo dog poo everywhere!

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in the area where i work its absolutely everywhere

EVERY pavement has at least 1 or 2 piles / slide marks on


Report them to the Council - it's supposed to be a fine-able offence - and the RSPCA, whilst you're at it- if they can't be bothered to even exercise their dog they cant be fit to own it. There's a new Animal Welfare Act supposed to be coming in this year, if it hasnt already - and that puts a duty of care on dog owners to make sure their dogs can 'exhibit normal behaviour patterns in addition to the dog's physical needs' that includes making sure they get regular exercise.


There's really no excuse for it- a responsible dog owner will always clear up after their dog - it really naffs me off as we have similar problems near where I live - and some people automatically assume I am a culprit just because I own a dog - I ALWAYS carry dog poo bags and I ALWAYS clear up after my dog - it's no big deal, takes seconds to do it.

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Why not get some bags of sand and every time there is a fresh pile, cover it with a very thick layer of sand? This will stop it getting on your shoes and it will also draw attention to the problem pretty quickly.


Near city farm, they used to ring dog turds with big rings of brightly coloured chalk or paint.

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it's easier to report them, which as a dog owner i would do.

several reasons not to confront them

1. blazing row

2.smack on the nose - u or them

3. when confrontation fails & u ring the council - they'll know it's you.


Exactly...Last year a bloke a few roads away from me got fed up with the neighbours dog crapping on his path so he went round and kindly asked the neighbour if he could do something about it. The neighbour did something about it...he started by asking the bloke to wait at the door for a minute. He then emerged from the house with a baseball bat and broke this poor fellas jawbone, the orbit around his eye, fractured his skull and almost destroyed his left wrist. Now there are no complaints about dog crap....problem sorted :rolleyes:

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Yes the street I live on seems to have loads of dog poo - but only recently. I have a dog and always clear it's business up, which makes me want to be sick but it's the only right thing to do and then some scruffer let their dog poo right at the end of our drive!! These people really annoy me, if you can't be bothered to take on all the responsibilities of having a dog - don't have one!!

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i had the same problem my neighbours dog crapped on my garden all the time till one day i put it all in a bag and went round with it knocked on the door and said ,here im sick of your s**t so there you go .the bag was full :gag: :gag: :gag: they just looked at me and said thanxs .thanxs whats that all about id just given them a bag of crap, strange ppl

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If its happening as regularly as you say, I think you would be wasting your time adopting the softly softly approach with these people.


I would go and report them to the environmental department as soon as possible as its not acceptable and there is no excuse for it. If you are going to own a dog then you should accept the responsibility for cleaning up after it.

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