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Dog poo dog poo everywhere!

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I was walking my dog in Bank Wood this morning when I came upon a fellow dog owner who's dog had left one on a clay bank above the stream.

Bending down to get his bag around it the poor soul lost his footing and slid down the bank into the stream wiping up the poo with his jacket on the way.

I'm not sure whether that classes as clearing up after your dog, but it ranks 11 out of 10 for effort if not style.

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There's someone walking a big dog after dark here in Woodseats and I'd love to catch them as there's poo everywhere and it's disgusting...


Totally fed up of it!


Same around here.. The council have even spray painted the path every few feet to remind people not to let their animals mess everywhere.


Was in Starbucks this morning on the Fargate and watched from a far while a kid (who really should have been in school) let his dog relieve itself. The kid looked around and then walked away without picking up the mess. :/

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Report them to the Council - it's supposed to be a fine-able offence - and the RSPCA, whilst you're at it- if they can't be bothered to even exercise their dog they cant be fit to own it. There's a new Animal Welfare Act supposed to be coming in this year, if it hasnt already - and that puts a duty of care on dog owners to make sure their dogs can 'exhibit normal behaviour patterns in addition to the dog's physical needs' that includes making sure they get regular exercise.


There's really no excuse for it- a responsible dog owner will always clear up after their dog - it really naffs me off as we have similar problems near where I live - and some people automatically assume I am a culprit just because I own a dog - I ALWAYS carry dog poo bags and I ALWAYS clear up after my dog - it's no big deal, takes seconds to do it.


there is absolutely no excuse for leaving your dog muck, I totally agree, Katkin.


Even if I don't have my poochie with me, I've still got wodges of her empty scoopy-bags with me- it's just force of habit.


If I can clean up after my dog when I am a wheelchair user, there's no reason why anyone else cannot do the same.


I have a few ideas about curing the dirty so-and-sos who let their dogs foul... one of them includes making them do community service... Dog poo patrol, cleaning up the streets.


The other idea would include an unpleasant way of clearing their dog's muck up, which didn'y involve scoopy bags... Nuff said! I'll leave that Idea there.

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  • 11 months later...

It would be so nice if the owners of dogs that poo on Woodseats Road, Sheffield 8, pick it up in a plastic bag and dispose of it. There is a big field and a big park near Woodseats so the reasons they don't pick up I am unsure of. My son wants a dog but until he is responsible to pick up after the dog poos then he will not get one. Please adult owners, pick up! Or get a cat!

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It would be so nice if the owners of dogs that poo on Woodseats Road, Sheffield 8, pick it up in a plastic bag and dispose of it. There is a big field and a big park near Woodseats so the reasons they don't pick up I am unsure of. My son wants a dog but until he is responsible to pick up after the dog poos then he will not get one. Please adult owners, pick up! Or get a cat!


The culprit of this utterly thoughtless moron has now been unveiled and if it doesn't stop *today*, I will take photos and call the authorities.


Absolutely furious about having huge piles of poop all over not only Woodseats Road, but all the way up to my friend's house around the corner. I've had to stop walking in the dark as I've literally walked in several piles and my dogs come home caked in it!


Beyond disgusting!

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Option 4. report them to the environmental department of the city council.I am such a coward, it avoids a confrontation and they will never know its you who has reported them. You can then sit back and enjoy the show.


Second that.If they know its you, your windows might be next.


---------- Post added 16-01-2013 at 19:47 ----------


It would be so nice if the owners of dogs that poo on Woodseats Road, Sheffield 8, pick it up in a plastic bag and dispose of it. There is a big field and a big park near Woodseats so the reasons they don't pick up I am unsure of. My son wants a dog but until he is responsible to pick up after the dog poos then he will not get one. Please adult owners, pick up! Or get a cat!


Whats the difference?they both s**t everywhere.

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We don't have a problem with people picking up dog poo where we live. We do have a problem with them dumping it, rather than putting it in a doggie bin or taking it home. Running along the backs of our gardens is a public footpath, screened by a bank and trees. OH and I regularly clean this path of leaves and litter. 2 weeks ago we noticed a foul smell & counted 9 bags of dog poo (all the same blue bags) thrown into the shrubbery.

Some cretin walks his/her dogs, picks up their poo, bags it & dumps it next to a public footpath. How do you deal with that?

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