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Dog poo dog poo everywhere!

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We have this on our road sure its the same dog everytime, everyone thinks its my dog as its obviously a large dog, my next door neighbour had a go at me thinking it was our dog, I would never let her poo on the path, and not pick it up!! She never does it on the path anyway as she is well trained.

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We have this on our road sure its the same dog everytime, everyone thinks its my dog as its obviously a large dog, my next door neighbour had a go at me thinking it was our dog, I would never let her poo on the path, and not pick it up!! She never does it on the path anyway as she is well trained.


To prevent this problem I pick up any dog crap that is dumped near our house. :gag:

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in my local neighbourhood we have a family who own a dog but who don't bother taking him for walks. the issue i have with this is that the dog uses the pavement in front of the house as a toilet. everyday without exception the pavement is littered with more piles of doogie doo. i have to dodge the stuff which is easy by day but much harder in the dark. i am totally fed up with having to clean the dirt from my kids shoes because they haven't managed to avoid the stuff.


my dilema is what to do about it, the way i see it i have several different options.


1. give the dog a good kicking when i next see it. however im not into animal cruelty so i will give this a miss.


2. knock on the door and ask nicely if they can stop their dog from fouling the footpath.


3. knock on the door and threaten them if it carries on i will report them to the council.


4. report them to the environmental department of the city council.


5. get a pair of disposable gloves and a tesco carrier and post the dog dirt back through their letterbox. they might then get the message.


which method would you choose if this was happenning in your area?.


..........................sounds more like a cat than a dog.

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  • 6 months later...

I went to Norfolk park today and the amount of dog poo all around there is a disgrace. I'll bet I know who's responsible for much of it, that dotty old woman that is a regular in the park who uses crutches because she can barely walk yet has SEVEN count'em SEVEN dogs with her, all not on leads; is she in control of any of these dogs in any way?-no, does she pick up the poo from all these dogs?-no.


This anti-social woman should be banned from the park or have those dogs taken away from her.

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No, don't tackle them about it - you will just get into an argument. If they are the type of people who let this happen, they are not the type you want to have a dialogue with. Use the video on your mobile telephone and let the council have a copy. Isn't it something like a maximum £1,000 fine and a court appearance?

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No, don't tackle them about it - you will just get into an argument. If they are the type of people who let this happen, they are not the type you want to have a dialogue with. Use the video on your mobile telephone and let the council have a copy. Isn't it something like a maximum £1,000 fine and a court appearance?


Same should apply for cats.

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No, don't tackle them about it - you will just get into an argument. If they are the type of people who let this happen, they are not the type you want to have a dialogue with. Use the video on your mobile telephone and let the council have a copy. Isn't it something like a maximum £1,000 fine and a court appearance?


And shall we have a guess at how many people have been fined £1,000 for allowing their dog to foul by Sheffield Council in the last five years?


Would you like to also have a guess at how many people during the same period have been fined by Sheffield Council parking services?


Motorists are easy targets, whilst any real offenders that involves half an ounce of effort to process get away with it repeatedly.

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Please adult owners, pick up! Or get a cat!


Cats can be even worse, and far more annoyingly cheeky, in their pooing habits. The cat that lives 2 houses down from mine is using my lawn to poo on :rant: Cleaned up 3 in the last week, 1 of which I trod in first when pegging the washing out. I've already spent over £50 on deterrents, but this particular one doesn't seem to mind the ultrasonic scarer. Dogs wouldn't get away with that!

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