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Dog poo dog poo everywhere!

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I went to Norfolk park today and the amount of dog poo all around there is a disgrace. I'll bet I know who's responsible for much of it, that dotty old woman that is a regular in the park who uses crutches because she can barely walk yet has SEVEN count'em SEVEN dogs with her, all not on leads; is she in control of any of these dogs in any way?-no, does she pick up the poo from all these dogs?-no.


This anti-social woman should be banned from the park or have those dogs taken away from her.


God is she still going?


She had more than 7 when I used to live near Manor, never had a problem with her though. The dogs stayed close and if they did wander she called and they came. Off lead doesn't mean no control.

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No it shouldn't, its just not practical is it?


Yes it is practical. Film.the cat, collect the fine. Cats make far more mess than.dogs & their mess is disgusting. Smells far worse and they like to do it on flower beds and veg patches.

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