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Blair Force One

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Originally posted by "Lickszz"


All world leaders have their own private jets, when you are a prime minister it makes good sense to be able to use your own aircraft, especially in times of world crisis and it being necessary to leave at a moments notice.


He is indeed very brave to fly as much as he does, given the threat from the various terrorist organisations around the world, who would love to shoot him down with a shoulder mounted missile if they could.


I should imagine there might be a fair few non terrorists here who might want him permanently disposed of.


Probably about one hundreth of the amount of people who were glad to see the back of thatcher. Mind, they didn't want her dead, just back in her dad's corner shop. You don't want her back do you?

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Originally posted by "maxt"


All world leaders have their own private jets, when you are a prime minister it makes good sense to be able to use your own aircraft, especially in times of world crisis and it being necessary to leave at a moments notice.


He is indeed very brave to fly as much as he does, given the threat from the various terrorist organisations around the world, who would love to shoot him down with a shoulder mounted missile if they could.


I should imagine there might be a fair few non terrorists here who might want him permanently disposed of.


Probably about one hundreth of the amount of people who were glad to see the back of thatcher. Mind, they didn't want her dead, just back in her dad's corner shop. You don't want her back do you?


In a word NO.



It's just I think Bliar is showing that vile side of himself. He knows it is touch and go at the next general election, so he will put a spiteful spanner in the works of a once proud nation before he is ousted. He dreams of sitting pretty in the Euro Parliment some years down the line.


'If I can't have it, no-one will' The man is a tyrant. A megalomaniac and deludes himself. He treats the electorate as dumb insolent dunderheads who know nothing.


His main preoccupation IMO is feathering his own nest, and that at whatever expense is necessary. Tell me that Britain is running as a free nation and I will laugh.


No control over those entrusted to fairly distribute the lottery funds to worthwhile causes.


Bureaucracy is slowly strangling us, the wrong section of society is paying the bulk of taxes.


Old people paying through the nose for that which all their lives they have had to contibute to, their homes confiscated and youngsters (in England) paying for that which HE at his university, got for free.


Go Blair, we will be well rid.

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Perhaps you would prefer the Tories back in power EH.

Remember the seventeen years of conservative misrule?

The cut backs, the skimping, the dirty tricks on the electorate, the vile corruption, the wasted taxpayers money, the high handed "Holier than thou" attitude towards the people of this country.


The cynical sneers of the last governments ministers whenever the made a speech, the arrogant manner when they pulled yet another underhand ploy on the ones who elected them, saying it was for our own good.


Thanks, but no thanks.


A life long Labour supporter.

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Lower taxes, less crime, less problems with asylum seekers, lower house prices, and an economy that was almost in no debt at all. Now Brown has borrowed massive amounts and put us back in debt again. Remember the state of the economy left by Labour the last time they were in power in the 70s? Also, Blairs stealth taxes, such as council tax and national insurance rises, where are they all going? I see spending increasing in the NHS and education, but I don't see any improvement in the services to match.

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Originally posted by halevan

Perhaps you would prefer the Tories back in power EH.

Remember the seventeen years of conservative misrule?

The cut backs, the skimping, the dirty tricks on the electorate, the vile corruption, the wasted taxpayers money, the high handed "Holier than thou" attitude towards the people of this country.


The cynical sneers of the last governments ministers whenever the made a speech, the arrogant manner when they pulled yet another underhand ploy on the ones who elected them, saying it was for our own good.


Thanks, but no thanks.


A life long Labour supporter.



In a word NO.


What's with the unchecked agression? Is it because I missed the R out of contribute?


Seriously though, I am a labour supporter just like you believe it or not, it's just I feel all politicians should stand up and be counted especially those in power. I am confused by some of Bliar's decisions and I don't have confidence in Bliar and half of his cabinet


I look forward to that p*ss artist John Reid having a REAL job at last. He is in line for some hot and jagged flack now that he is in the health job.


And I could have jumped for joy when I heard that Helen Liddle was out of government...what a cow!


Peter Hain....leader of the house! Everything now stops for debates on Europe.


Opposition motions for debate denied.


Falkoner...The greatest liar since Billy Liar. What a shower!


Oh and Irvine walks away with his present from Blair. The fattest pension ever to walk out of the lords. 2.4 million will buy a lot of Claret, no lining up at the Post Office every week for him. Lets look realistially though, Putting Reid..a Scot, with a Scotish constituency in charge of the ENGLISH health service, is like putting Shipman in charge of old folks homes. ;)

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I agree with much of what you say Licszz,











I agree with much of what you say Licszz, just because we vote for them doesn't mean to say we cannot criticise them for their faults. some of these ministers have got brilliant brains, but don't seem to have much common sense.

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