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Spa club frecheville sheffield


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Just been speaking to my OH and here are some of the names we can remember.

Sid Brightmore, Lou Handley, Alf Carlton, Bill Carline, Ted and Dolly Clay, Russ and Evelyn (can`t remember their surname tho) Albert Grey, Alf Benson,Ron Bingham and Kevin Betts.

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  • 1 year later...
my grandad used to go in, he was a member of the Mess there. Dont know any names as he has passed away now, but he was called Louis Handley

any relation to elaine handley?she usedto be a home help in the 90,s.

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I was a member of the club up and till it closed and so was my father.I remember Sid very well and also most of the commitee.My dad was on the commitee for a while (or maybe years) as he went in the club from the late sixties early seventies.I also remember Dot Wally who worked behind the bar years ago,used to stay in her house when i was little.also Billy Betts and his two sons John and Kevin,and loads of others.My dad was the doorman for a few years back in the eighties.I,m sure when i tell him of this thread he,ll be keepin track of it to catch up with old friends.My dads name is Trevor, PM me if you want more info. cheers.



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hi i was on commitee for a few years at spa new most of the people that went in.i new bunny sharpe sid brightmoore.john betts ray allen and more.also dot walley a great lady& barmaid.dont forget jack walley dots husband great guy new him well had some good laughs wi jack.best concert chairman club ever had.cheers for now. ps stringfellow was syds nephew not cousin.

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  • 6 months later...



I was a barmaid in the Spa Club for a couple of years. I remember everone who has been mentioned and many more besides. My friend who also worked behind the bar was Barbara Smith and her husband was also on the committee. They lived across the road from the club. It was a smashing club and very friendly people who went in it. I remember when there used to be snooker matches in the snooker room. It was all very serious and everyone had to be very quiet while a shot was being taken. We used to delight in dropping a beer tray during these silences. We tried SO hard to look suitably sorry. We've grown up since. Honestly.:hihi:



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